I passed it on Wednesday. Due to my hellish Senior schedule(and the fact that my mother is watching the comp like a hawk)
I couldn't post as soon as I got home. Thank you for your support and well wishes, you have helped me so much.
It was a buzz kill when all the lady did was put an orange sticker on my permit, but I'm glad it's there.
In other news, I went to Oh the Blood's last show in their hometown Berea. It was the first time I've heard their songs let alone seen them live. I felt kind of a noob standing near the front and whenever they asked the audience to sing along. Despite that, the evening was everything it should have been after this week de hell. The school screwed up my schedule and I was running around trying to figure out where I was supposed to be. This one guy kept following me and my friends around. He was oblivious to our complete and utter disinterest. At one point he asked if we all could hang out next weekend; I all was so close to telling him to fuck off. I didn't b/c it would have been rude, but I still had a strong urge to kick him in the groin. We all got away unscathed yet very put off.
In Culinary Skills yesterday, our teacher made us take notes about the club she sponsors. If there's anything that makes me NOT want to join something, it's wasting an entire class period over it. All we've done so far in this class is book work. I want to learn how to cook already goddamn it!
The books for my English 101 class were sold out at every store in town. I have to make up the assignments from this week thus ruining my weekend. I'm not sure if I like the prof; she gave me grief over not having the books and my inability to contribute to the discussion. If any of you know me, you know that when it comes to class discussions shutting me up is the problem. I would have borrowed a book from another classmate, but of course my peers included many of the people I cannot stand.
All in all it was a terrible week (excluding the driving pass) and I hope next week is an improvement.