This is my first summary, so be easy on me. :) Sorry if this is a little long, I think I got carried away…
Chapter 7: The Slug Club
Harry is spending a lot of time over the last week to figure out why Malfoy was in Knocturn Alley, and why he was in a good mood. He came up with an irrational suspicion that Draco could be a DE. To make matters
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Comments 44
I know, and I think this might be a good part of the problem cadesama was talking about with Hermione earlier. Harry has begun incorporating thought into his recklessness, and could even be said to be growing intellectually, and therefore growing away from Hermione (who has always had to do his thinking for him). In some sort of thematic retaliation, Hermione in HBP acts on her emotions more than she has ever before. The reason I say Harry could be growing away from Hermione is because...well, following thought with recklessness has ended successfully for Harry -- it's the first time ever that his initial suspicion has been corect. Yet allowing emotion to rule her behaviour has NOT worked out for Hermione in HBP, has in fact gotten her ( ... )
Reply know what I meant.
Gimme a fucking break. Dear Ginny Sue, I hope the monster in Harry's chest eats you whole in the next book. No love, auster.
I absolutely adore the scene where Draco beats the shit out of Harry. I love me some Harry, but it was high time for Draco to get the last word (or in this case, stomp) in for a change. Also love how he didn't let on having spotted Harry entering the compartment. <3 Draco.
I was laughing my ass off when Draco stamped on Harry. Horrible? Yes, but it was so nice seeing Draco have a friggin backbone. And, well, Harry was an idiot. Bad things happen when you're not careful, and he surely should have learnt that by now. There's only been 5 years of proof, after all.
Another great fanfic moment: Draco reclining with his head on Pansy's lap.
Hey! There's only one girl I'd be happy for Harry to end up with ... (cough)! Lol.
She came running to fling her arms around him with a blazing hard look. Where did that come from? We had seen signs that Cho liked Harry, but there wasn't anything like that for Ginny. I say Ginny made the first move, and Harry reacted.
Ginny though . . . why is she (to all appearances) popular in OotP? Nothing of her personality that had been established in PS/SS-GoF would lead us to think that she's a spunky, charismatic leader among her peers. Why is do even the Slytherins think she's hot in HBP, when we've heard no descriptions of her looks, nor seen her as attracting much male attention before? Why are things that many in the fandom perceive as ( ... )
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