I saw Rhiannon on Friday when I went shopping with Will. She told me that no one is talking to Erin and Jason because they won't shut up about each other. I almost cacked myself laughing because they're getting what they deserve. It's ironic that they can hate me for being different (as you all know I'm a vampyr)and yet they are social pariahs
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Well, my lovely little graphic novel is getting underway, so far it looks pretty cool and people have already expressed interest in reading it when it is finished, but then again, who doesn't like comic books about vampyr assassins
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Sorry, I've been really busy. Art, people moving in to my house (it's otay, it's only Will) I've just been all over the place. I will write one day, promise.
A lot of things have been changing in the world of vampyrs, physical changes that I won't go into, the odd thing is that thus far everything I have dreamt has come to pass. If everything does I am going to have the biggest fucking freak out of my life. It's all so fucking screwy... And now, it's time for some meme fun