[ INFO ] Joining / The Cast

Oct 01, 2011 17:35

So you like what you see so far and you want to join. Brilliant! Before you take the plunge, take the time to look at the STEP-BY-STEP guide for A Different Path, just to make sure you don't miss anything. Once you're ready, find the right Character Form for you, and reply to this post with your application! When you've been accepted, fill out the Player Contact form and reply to the acceptance comment in this same post. Then, once you've sorted out your character's background, post it or a link to it in the PROFILE post.

FORM A - For characters that are originally from the Different Path universe.
Background: [ optional. ]

FORM B - For characters that follow their own path that, one way or another, found themselves in this universe.
Brief Bio: [ not a complete history, just a brief summary of what makes them different from canon. ]
Plot Device: [ optional. how did they end up here? how will they end up here? ]

PLAYER FORM - Reply with this after you have been accepted
Player Name: [ real or screen name]
Player Age: [ please put your real age, guys ]
Contact : [ whatever you're comfortable with being contacted with. LJ, AIM, MSN, YIM, whatever ]


A Different Path;
• The TARDIS:wheresmythief
• The Master:11: dicky_bow; 10: the_otherpath; 05: dashes_about
    BackgroundContact: AIM: fairylandking; MSN: fairyland_king@hotmail.com
• The Doctor:chosedifferent
    BackgroundContact: AIM: spleenmonkie; Email: thecompanymonkie2googlemail.com
• The Metacrisis:the_wronghand
    BackgroundContact: AIM: fairylandking; MSN: fairyland_king@hotmail.com
• Amelia Pond:apaisleygirl
    BackgroundContact: AIM: euley009; MSN: punkchica321@hotmail.com; YIM: punkchica321@yahoo.com
give a heads up via LJ before messaging
• Rory Williams:rory_roranicus
    BackgroundContact: AIM: tardisandtime; Email: tophbox@ymail.com
• River Song:riversings
    BackgroundContact: AIM: theriverssongs, likes the hunt; Email: morenamystifies(at)gmail(dot)com

Their Own Path;
• Handy:bluesuit_handy
• The meta-metacrisis:bottled_drums
• Rose Tyler:notthelostgirl
    BackgroundContact: AIM: kyrahighwind; Email: rydiahighwind(at)yahoo(dot)com


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