Captian Straight Edge & Captain Obvious Von Strangle.
shelbear, wow. it's been a month, one seemingly long month. a month of living, learning, and loving. i think that these past four weeks, it has just been an obstacle that we've overcome. we've come to learn how important the little things are, and how they can snowball that into something that isn't so little. every new day is our day, and we're only getting closer. we've proven to eachother how much we care, along with trust. nothing can really stand in our way. we've seen the awesome side of eachother, and how it's only better when we're together. how upset we can get, but together always prevail. and i've learned that there are just things i love about you, about us. i love how just because upset you, you don't give up on me. i love when your eyes glisten in the sun. i love telling you how beautiful your hair looks when you think/pretend it looks horrible. it just makes me realize how pretty you are; everytime i look at you. i love how you grin after you kiss me on my neck because you know it makes me melt. i love how i can't just give you one hug. i love how i'd do anything to make you laugh; you love to laugh. i love how there's only one way to say bye, and how i pretend that i don't understand anything else. i love how even though you're mad at me, 'i'm still you boyfriend.'i love continually discovering something i love about you. i love the reason i call you my love.
happy one month baby, this is only the beginning.
love (lũv) n. - as strong positive emotion of regard and affection; warm attachment, enthusiasm, or devotion; an ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness; unlike energy or matter is limitless and can make a person bring out the best in someone.