This picture-posting thing seems to becoming popular over here with the regular non-idol bloggers. Maybe I should start posting stuff in my blog entries. (Maybe I should start posting blog entries at all. >->)
Well... there are worse things to be paranoid of.... ^^;
side note: HAPPY FREAKIN' BIRTHDAY! =D *does happy-yay dance* a pic by moi is coming your way, as soon as i figure out what to draw you ~_^ (psst! any subtle hints would be well appreciated >.>; )
Comments 5
side note: HAPPY FREAKIN' BIRTHDAY! =D *does happy-yay dance* a pic by moi is coming your way, as soon as i figure out what to draw you ~_^ (psst! any subtle hints would be well appreciated >.>; )
D8 thank you very much agaaiiin!
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