ugh jesus christ

Sep 14, 2006 17:14

I'm so over high school at this point. I'd always hate it when seniors would say that like they were too good to be here, but I'm just so sick of it.

Girls calling other girls whores when when what they do makes those girls look prude. People who constantly bitch about drama when they are just about the only ones making it.
Above all, I hate people who just do things for the attention, everything they say, and do is just so that they can get attention from it.

I've been slowly drifting away from certain people who were like that, most of them were my cloest friends too but i just cant stand it anymore.

Another thing I can't stand is band. Wow, I could just go on. My main problem isn't even Schletter. It's the officers. They think they are just so god damn better than everyone. They yell and bitch at us all the time just because they CAN. I lose count of the unmber of times they yell at us.
Does that seem to be working? Are they seriously so delusional that they think that's helping??
The officers in the past knew that wouldn't work so they didn't do it and we were a better band because of it.

This year theyre just pushing us so hard and even if we win anything (which we arent because ofthe way things are going) it wouldnt be worth it.

Nothing about band is fun anymore. The officers and the new band director did that for me. Nothing would make me happier than to quit. If I didn't have such admiration and respect for Jed and everyone else on the line, and if I was ignorant enough to not appreciate how difficult it would be to replace me then I'd have quit a long time ago.

Every week I spend at least 20 hours putting up with this. I could be spending that time on school or at work or maybe even sleeping more than 5 hours a night. I count the days until marching season is over, and when it is I'm throwing a huge party, I swear to God I am.
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