[It hadn’t been hard to get her Shadow Self back to the room. All it took was the promise of tighter ropes and some hair pulling. Sick freak. Ramona sat at her desk, tapping the communicator with a pen in her frustration. She hadn’t realized she had tapped the record button. Her Shadow was bound and lying in the middle of the floor]
Why won’t you just accept that this is who you are!? Ramooonaaa~. I am the real you. Just play with me, pleeeease. You can hit me if you want to. Or we could call Gideon.
Shut. Up.
Oh God, yes. Yell at me. Hurt me. Be in control! You’re so tough on the outside, Ramona~. But on the inside...
I SAID SHUT UP! I’m nothing like you.
You want to be.
You do! You want it so bad.
[She turns around, standing up from the chair] You aren’t me. You’re some perverted fabrication that doesn’t exist in any reality and I despise you.
[Suddenly, the Shadow pulls her arms out from behind her back and leaps at Ramona, throwing the rope that bound her past Ramona’s shoulder and wrapping it around her neck. She forced the real Ramona backwards against the desk, pulling the rope taut around her neck. Those yellow eyes were filled with hostility]
It would be so terrible if you were to die again so soon. Asura did such a good job that first time, anything I do to you would pale in comparison. Oh, GOD, it was so hot. Exquisite pain, that feeling of vulnerability... why are you even with Scott? He isn’t half as glorious as the other guys we dated. He’s a pathetic wimp! You could overpower him in a second. Our alien friend, on the other hand...
[Ramona struggles against her double, still too weak to fight her off. She couldn’t breathe and there was no way she could get a leg high enough to kick with the required force. Glancing to the side where the ‘berry sat with that pen, she got an idea. Faster than her shadow could react, Ramona grabs the pen and jams it into the jugular of her attacker. Blood sprays all over her face and the berry but the Shadow backs away, clutching her own neck.
Ramona sits up, throwing the rope away, and forces her shadow against the wall.]
I’m sorry. I’m sorry it has to end this way. You’re right... somewhere, there’s a part of me that’s into that shit, I guess. Somewhere deep down I know that Scott isn’t right for me... but I can’t just let go of him. He’s the only good thing I’ve ever been allowed to have. The last thing I want to do is hurt the nicest guy I’ve ever dated.
But you’re right. You’re a part of me-and I just never had the guts to admit it. I’m sorry.
[Shadow Ramona smiled, touching her other self’s face.] You accept me, then? I’m glad... [The shadow quickly disappears as if it had never been there in the first place. Ramona is left alone in her room as the feed times out.]
((ooc: Ramona = normal text. Shadow = Bold. tl;dr? Ramona defeats/accepts her shadow self))