Week 151 Observations

Dec 18, 2011 00:00

Week One Hundred and Fifty-One has been completed.


And so begins the train of ‘Oh no, where’ve missed a whole week! What haaaaappened?!’

(Patchouli), you tortured the shit out of (John). (Dave), you killed (Rose). (Harry) murdered (Tsunade). (Temari) and (Shikamaru) watched (Mindy) bleed out. (Carol) was a slutbag. Everyone did terrible, awful things and it was hilarious. THE END.

Looks like (Terry’s) and early bloomer. Suck it up, man. Anguished screams are totally unschway.

Aw, (Flandre) just ‘had a lot of feelings’. Feelings that end in puddles of blood. Imagine that.

A little flute makes everything better. The next time you kill your friends? Just give (Remilia) a call. Things will work out.

Is (Caster) that oblivious, or is the rest of the population just that focused on vagina-... oh, wait. No one’s thinking about female parts in the place. Never mind.

Excellent idea, (Gabriel). A cheeseburger to the first rat to outfit (Darc’s) shoulder spikes with tea cosies.

Sure, let (Midnighter) borrow your stuff with no explanation as to why or an exact date of return. Why not.

(Bucky) and (America) sitting in a tree, F-U-C-K-I-N-G~

Hold the presses, people. (Lucas) made a literary reference! We’re almost proud!

Well done (Tsunade), letting that surgeon do some cutting after he admitted to liking to do unnecessary surgeries.

We just ran out of all black, (Sylar). Your soul is still stained.

(Gene) and (Kairi) should get together for the most blinding wing competition.

Don’t be such a wuss, (Kairi). There are ten-year-olds here taking the pain better than you.

You know, we’ve been wondering... Why can’t (Doc Scratch) just bend his noodle arms back and sew himself up? It’s not like there are any bones in there.

You’ve got to hurt to heal, (Riku). We’re sure you can handle it~

Cute, (Roxas). You do realize that we can alter that information in any way we want at any time we want, right? Kinda pointless.

They’re called phantom pains, (Justin). Get used to them. Maybe find all the other amputees and start the world’s lamest support group.


That was the most polite ‘Hey, can someone come carve these extra limbs out of my back?’ we’ve ever heard. Well done, (Sebastian F.)

Keep an eye on (Komui), (John W.). The last time someone let him near opiates he sucked them all into his lungs.

Wait... (Yukina’s) being useful? Well, color us surprised.

Hey, (Nepeta), wanna get your butt in gear and stop (Equius) from tearing shit up? Because you’re being a shitty moirail and the property damage is irritating.

(Vriska’s) ours. Prepare for extraction.

Challenge, (Layton). Come up with a riddle that Val can’t solve and there’s a sudoku book in it for you.

(Rose), if expedience was that imperative... shouldn’t you have made your message shorter? Medic. 31B. Now. Easy peasy. Seriously, are we going to have to do this every week?

Does anyone else find it funny that (Alma) was the only one to protest the idea of (Midnighter) killing (Komui)?

Shirtless lady with a sword. Sexy, (Heather)~

Could you sound a little more creepy, (Tyki)? We bet you could. Leaving out (Tsunade’s) menstrual cycle might help.

... Never mind, (Tyki). (Alessa) has the market cornered on creepy.

Way to cry out for attention, (Clive).

Spelling, (Elle). That offer concerning her fingers, their removal, and the reward of food? Definitely still stands.

What the fuck exactly happened is that (Karkat) got locked in a closet with barely any fight. Because (Karkat) is a walking, screeching set of shameglobes who ruins everything.

More volunteers to slice people open! Guess (Tsunade) didn’t like everyone else moving in on her territory.

Question! How do you get wings out of an exoskeleton, (Jack)? Will normal stabs work, or do you need a hammer and chisel?

You’re nothing but a bother either way, (Madoka).

Ooo, (Bakura) makes for some nice blood spray. Very theatrical.

Even (Equius) doesn’t want you now, (Nepeta). What do you have left? Aside from Lone Fin, that is.

It’s going to take more than duct tape to fix everything wrong with (Kano).


God, (Kairi), could you be any more "innocent schoolgirl"?

Still upset about that nasty back business, huh (Matthew)? Come on, that was months ago.

Didn’t think it’d be so easy to shake (Charles).

Yeah, because showing up on video in a puddle of your own freakish blood is how big, tough girls deal with things on their own. Good (Jadesprite), biggest canine-infused pussy.


Sure, (John), people who just had their backs carved open love the idea of vigorous movement and supporting all their weight with limbs protruding from the aforementioned openings.

Mhmm, (Terezi’s) totally fine. Yep. Nothing wrong there at all.

It’s always recording, (Kate). You put on a nice show for someone "unaware" of that fact, though.

Don’t think badly of the woman who flipped her skirt at every man that paused to speak to her and spend the last half of the week in heavy bondage? Sure, (Emilia), we can do that.

We’re disappointed, (Joker). Party favors just aren’t going to do the trick after all your past performances.

We vote for (Kenzi)-explosions. Sounds like a fun party.

Yeah, most residents keep a little blue kyrptonite on hand, just in case of (Galatea)-related emergencies.

We're glad you understand our taunting, (Sherlock).

(Todd Smith) has a secreeet~! Or he did. HIS WINGS WERE BLACK, GUYS. AS PITCH.

(Fujino), you told your one and only to fuck off. And that he had an assface... or something like that. It was all very creative and amusing.

Alright, who gave that (Rin) bitch white wings? Someone’s getting written up for that kind of mistake.


(Riku) really has horrible timing. Just like he did with terminated lover he can never plan anything in time.

From the way (Kimblee) made a mess, we’re starting to think the subjects don’t deserve a recreational room.

Oh (Dean). Not all over those. No one is going to want them now.

(Soubi) runs away while (Ritsuka) dies of blood loss. Best guardian ever!

Check out (Artemis) and (Wanda) with their lovely ranges of gray. Aren’t we all so complex and conflicted~?

Finally interesting, (Mello)? You're not appreciative of our work. That's alright. We'll just get rid of you...

Oh woe is (Billy)~ He needs you (Tommy). He needs you badly. So badly. We'll get the popcorn if you start lubing him up.


It's worse than we thought. (Mohinder's) in lust with two serial killers. You suck at your job, (Charles).

So (Equius) decided to pity the cat slut and give her a sexting. (Nepeta) better show him a good time.

We liked (Suki) better when she wasn't a hermit. She should be appreciative of her wings before we take something else precious of hers away.

We don't see the point of lying either, (Jareth). We can see everything, like the way you are strutting like some highly prized peacock. Be thankful we haven't screwed you over enough where someone can stuff and eat you like the last peacock we had.

Oh baby (Gyoza) take it off again! No really. Put it back on. No one wants to see that.

Wing envy is an ugly thing. Like (Joshua) needs anything else to go to his head. He's already so frou-frou we're surprised his head hasn't exploded yet.


(Karkat) has shrunk into a weak little pussy that even (Sollux) is stepping up to take leadership. He's even asserted himself by taking out the nastiest, most ruthless dominate female, (Vriska). She got a good pounding into the dirt. Rough pail filling~ just the way she likes it.

That's why you flex your wings, (Misaka #10032), not pull them. Whose stupid enough to do that.

No one listen to (Ishtar). She's obviously faking it. She's got a whole history of it. If you don't believe us, we can bring her bodyguard in for a week of screaming.

Poor little, (Lucy). No one around to end your suffering? But that's the way it's always been, hasn't it?

See the strong and mighty (Hiei) fall so pitifully. Even the shortest and flightless of dragons can fall. Can't you get up~? We're waiting.

(Sebastian M) needs to see (Badou) privately and alone~ Oh my. We're starting to think he's growing weak for humans.

(Allen) can't learn and (Link) can't teach. We're honestly not surprised. (Link)'s always made the wrong path choices in life. Should leave the teaching to the crows or large breasted saints.

And then, (Dick)'s sexting grew quiet.... Must be because (Roy) is BURNING.

Oh no, the wings were too much for our (Lithuania) puppy. We'll leave him a dog biscuit for later.


Anyone that tells (Jade) what's going on and ruins the surprise gets an instant shock from their collar at reset.

Terminated: (Mello), (Caster), (Jigen), (Roy), (Spirit), (Nana), (Recette)

One sheep, Two sheep, Three sheep, Four sheep...

[OOC: Hey guys, just a reminder, anything in parentheses is a room number, not a name. We're just not willing to torture you (or ourselves) by putting in the room numbers instead of the names. They won't understand who the observation is about unless they know the room number. Room numbers are on collars, so not hard to figure out, but keep this in mind for new arrivals or faces they haven't met yet.]

the doctor

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