It's been a while since we last had a chat, DECK.
[He's smiling a little more than is probably warranted, and his older, sci-fi face and stubble sticks out.]
But I think, regardless of this week's experiment, I can safely say one thing. Congratulations, to everyone who worked so hard in getting us where we are now.
There are still plenty of things we need to do. Both on the basic level all the way up to leadership. I'm sure it's not over with the Consortium... which is way the rebellion as it is cannot continue functioning.
As of this week. Changes will be made in the various rebellion departments, to see if we can retool them as a whole towards future long-term goals in the aftermath of the station takeover. I will be discussing this with the head of the station departments in question.
To that end, consider all members put on Civilian Duty, and all current high profile Rebellion actions put on indefinite Hiatus. As of this point, the 'Rebellion' is no more, but what we are... well. That's still to be determined.
All departments should start transferring any non-essential Rebellion jobs, such as resource management, into working in their respective station departments - the more hands we have in the official departments, the better we'll run. If you don't have an official station job, you should go try and pick one up. Any essential jobs relating to the Rebellion should be put on hold until we know where we're going to go. Will we be a colonization force? A militia? A research and development squad? I can't tell you.
What I can tell you is... even if we're a long way from 'Mission Accomplished'... the Rebellion itself is over.
Good job, every single one of you.
When I know more, you'll know more.
John Egbert, signing off.