And as suddenly as the mushrooms had first appeared, they vanish again. Every single one. Across town, there is no trace of the poison that had sent so many people spiraling into uncontrollable nightmares. Those caught in the grips of hallucination will find themselves instantly cured, no matter what they were in the middle of seeing. Once more
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Comments 251
... But, it was like they said... it's worse alone. Rin has always had a crying shoulder in Len. Doing it by herself... she's done it so much since coming here, but after yesterday, she just can't. She's desperate enough. But she's a bit tired to do the right thing and tell him it's not his fault, so she settles on the "something" as her topic. It does have her curious.]
What is it? ♪
It's... a little difficult to explain. I guess I can describe it as the antidote to what the mushrooms did to you. What you experienced then... flip it to its opposite.
... white lies? ♪
Got some dangerous fungus springin' up in your world, bro.
[He'd felt bad about murdering doggies, actually, but had consoled himself with the thought that since the mushroom was growing from their head, they were probably in a lot of misery.]
Did you... eat any of the Tanetane mushrooms, Mr. Strider?
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