Hi! I've seen you around ack_attack and outoftime's ljs, and I figured if both Rachel and Rebecca like you, then you must be awesome. Plus, anyone who can get on the World Series of Pop Culture is definitely someone I should talk to (I want to be a contestant so bad, but couldn't pull a team together).
hi! you absolutely rock on the world series of pop culture, and i'm definitely rooting for your team. i was wondering if i could add you, if that's okay? <3
I've seen you in Adam's LJ and read in your profile that you're a bio major, which automatically makes you cool in my book (I teach bio while corrupting younguns). You seem super cool and if you don't mind, I'd like to add you.
Hello! As you may know, I'm a friend of Stacy's. A little while back she recommended I add you to my friends list since word on the street is, you're pretty awesome. So I thought I'd ask first b/c that whole "OMG Ima add total strangers lolz!" thing is kinda creepy. Please feel free to reciprocate should you so choose. I think Stacy would vouch that I am not entirely crazy. Or if I am, it's in a harmless way. :-)
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