Firstly, a meme:
Reply to this meme by yelling "Words!" and I will give you five words that remind me of you. Then post them in your LJ (or in a comment reply) and explain what they mean to you.
theburningempty1. PENCILS - Basically the only thing I can sort of decently use when it comes to drawing. And I can’t even really handle actual art pencils; I generally go with 0.5 HB lead in mechanical pencils.
2. Japan - Where I am now. Sometimes it feels more like home than the US. I’ve been into the country forever, and it never ceases to fascinate and amuse me. Also, dramas be crazy.
3. 8059 - I don’t actually ship them, but I do love how they bicker, and their nostalgia factor for the very beginning is excellent. I kind of do love those two.
4. lolita mukuro - I am not sure how this is not canon. It is so perfect for him.
5. hilarity - One of my favorite things ever. Like today when I saw a Japanese girl freak out about an approaching pigeon, pull her legs up onto the park bench like she was escaping a rat, and proceed to flash everyone around in her panic (she was wearing a skirt.) Good stuff.
sougo1. Chocolate - I love this stuff something awful. My ideal man will not buy me diamonds, he will buy me Godiva. True story.
2. Tsuna - I have been associated with the character pretty much since I started on Reborn, though lately he has gotten kind of too cool. XD I do love him, though.
3. Oguri Shun - Ahahaha, oh man, to be honest, I rather disliked him for the longest time, mostly due to the cool, silent characters he played. Then I discovered that he can also pull of dorky/pathetic (Stand Up!!), mercilessly cruel (Smile), powerfully brilliant (Tenchijin), and kind of ridiculously awesome (Crows Zero I & II). I’m afraid I’m a fangirl now.
4. Kyoto - Seriously one of my favorite places in the world. So much great culture, tradition, modern craziness, and great memories.
sougo and I absolutely terrorized it together, too.
5. Tingle - One of my babies. He is far too pretty for his own good, but somehow everyone loves him. Including me. Kind of. He also has amazing hair.
So, my apologies for my tardiness; I drew a whole bunch and then was too lazy to scan them. There really is no excuse.
But I do have a bunch of birthday stuff/requests for you:
Firstly, a scene from my friends historical fiction novel-thingy project. The medieval French monks one. This is from a dream sequence is which one character has a rather awkward conversation between his past self, his novice’s future self, and his first monastery’s patron saint. It is a bit trippy.
Then, for
pollinia, “Squalo being really dorky about something.”
tosshi, her and
sougo’s OC’s, Shinichi and Madoka. They are kind of adorable.
For my host sister, another portrait, this time of the actor Mukai Osamu. He is kind of pretty good looking, imo.
I am also working on scanning Crows Zero II photos (not drawings), but I will get those up next time, hopefully.