House hunting is tough!

Aug 02, 2010 13:05

Two months into searching for a house and I still haven't been able to find anything. I'm not giving up quite yet, but I'm definitely a little discouraged. For the amount of money I'm willing to spend, you'd think I could find something halfway decent. People try to make it seem like I'm being too picky, but I'm really not. Some of these places ( Read more... )

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Comments 17

digital_diva August 2 2010, 20:37:16 UTC
You should totally do the least attractive meme! I'd already struggle something fierce having to choose between Zac and Adrian!

Sorry to hear the house hunting is bringing you down. And of course it's not about picky. It's about being fully aware you're spending an awful lot of money on something you'll be stuck with for a long time so it should be something you like, right? Good luck! Something will pop up that's just right for you! :-)


a_karls August 2 2010, 20:46:12 UTC
Then when I add JC into the mix things would be even harder! I'll have to consider it. If I can think of 10 guys I'd love to put on the list and find good pics of them, then I will. I was just surprised that I hadn't seen some of those people on other lists.

I can use all the encouragement I can get on the house front. I know you've gone through a ton of crap with your house, so it makes me feel good that you're still saying to go for it. You could have just as easily said to stick with an apartment because it's much less hassle! ;)


digital_diva August 2 2010, 20:59:24 UTC
Throwing JC into the mix is why I haven't done this meme in my LJ myself. I'd be heartbroken if he didn't win! ahahaha!

I promise you it's absolutely worth the hassle at the end of it! :-)


without_me August 2 2010, 21:02:57 UTC
Ugh, I'm sorry you're having so much trouble with the house-hunt! We should get together for tea or something and you can catch me up on all the details (if you have time, of course).


a_karls August 2 2010, 21:27:30 UTC
We should definitely get together. I have your SPN bag to give you as well! When are you closing and moving? We can also talk about what we want to do in NYC.


without_me August 2 2010, 21:30:02 UTC
Closing the 18th if all goes as planned; moving while I'm out of town for Vancon (bwahahahahaha N has to handle the movers without me). Do you have any free time next weekend or the one after? (Sooner is better if we want to make NY plans, of course.)


a_karls August 2 2010, 21:53:30 UTC
You lucked out on the moving! I feel bad for N though! You're going to owe her a huge favor after it's all done. ;)

I'm available in the morning both this weekend and next weekend. madame_d hasn't been able to book her bus yet, but she's planning on being with us Sunday - Tuesday so we should get on the same page about what we may like to do. I can't believe it's only a month and a half away! I should get my vacation approved! (Won't be a problem so I'm not worried.)


masheek2 August 2 2010, 21:30:36 UTC
I think you've inspired me to do the meme! I'm bored anyway so it will give me something to do!

I'm ready to look at more houses whenever you are! I'm actually really enjoying this lol

John and Keith! I can't wait! And I keep forgetting we have John in Chula Vista also!


a_karls August 2 2010, 21:49:02 UTC
I keep forgetting about Chula Vista as well! lol It's on my work calendar though so I'll definitely get a reminder about it a couple of days before it happens. I think that show should be a lot of fun even if we have to drive all the way to the border!

Do the meme! I think I'll find yours harder than I do others. ;)

I'm going to try to set up things for next weekend. I'll shoot for Sunday so that you're free. I just want to hit the jackpot one of these times. Once I've decided to spend a bajillion dollars, I just want to do it and get it over with because it will be painful! hahahaha!


masheek2 August 2 2010, 23:35:43 UTC
Ok the meme is up if you're bored at work! That was really hard!


dream517 August 3 2010, 02:05:34 UTC
Don't give up on the house hunting. When you find "the" place, you'll know and it will be all worth it! I didn't believe that until it happened to me and I was like "this is it" :) Good luck!

I like these memes too, I'm giving my opinion on these (although some people would probably kill me for the ones I'm picking on)...but HELL yes to some Bradley Cooper...mmmmmm!


a_karls August 3 2010, 04:19:08 UTC
Bradley! It's hard to believe I've loved him for nearly 10 years now. It's hard to believe Alias started that long ago.

I need all the luck I can get with this house hunting. I'm kind of on a deadline to find a place and I'd really like it to happen. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!


dontelltheelf August 3 2010, 04:00:18 UTC
Hang in there. Just when you think you're about to give up, something'll pop up and it'll be everything you're looking for and for just the right price. I bet they're probably asking for those crazy prices because of the neighborhood. Nuts!

Wow, I can't say I ever thought of seeing them on the same bill but hey. That's awesome.


a_karls August 3 2010, 04:20:42 UTC
That's what everyone says so I sure hope everyone is right!

It's because they did CMT's Crossroads together and really hit it off. I'm super happy about it because I love them both so much and they both put on excellent shows. It will be great to see them together as well for part of the night!


dontelltheelf August 3 2010, 04:42:52 UTC
It's one of those things like when people want to get pregnant so they try for years, then give up, only to suddenly have it happen! It'll be completely unexpected too (THE house, I mean). So don't give up!

Oh right. I think I heard about that. That's totally awesome!


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