So I see you've stumbled across my Journal; Guess what? It's Friends Only.
So ya wanna be apart of it? Read some of my rules. Comment. & then I'll add ya.
- I am a girl & I do get dramatic. If you don't like my drama then don't bother reading.
- I complain a lot. If you don't like my whining then don't add me.
- If YoU TyPe LYke DiSSS ...then get out of my journal, LyKE NOwww!
- If you know me in person, how 'bout ya keep my entries to yourself.
- Comment every so often to let me know your alive.
- Since it is my journal, why I do believe I'm aloud to say what I want. So donttttt hateeeee. !!
- I think I'm aloud to have my own opinions too. & so are you. & I would love to hear them. Just don't penalize mine.