But I just have to get something off my chest.
Why is it that as soon as you're happy, someone immediately tries to make sure you aren't? It's like the second some negative person in your life sees the happy aura surrounding you, they become determined to snatch it away.
I have one thing to say about this.
People can only take your happiness, your positivity, if you let them. Those negative assholes thrive on spreading their poison and ruining the good things in your life. They will try any avenue they can, to bring you down from the cloud to which your spirit has been lifted. Whether it be a good thing at work, school, or even a random life event; anything that has made you smile or rejoice. DO NOT let anyone else's shit or inner darkness tinge the golden hues of your sky. DO NOT entertain said persons weak attempts to lift themselves by stepping on you. Stand tall, stand strong, and let them know you are not one to be fucked with. They WILL get the message.
My message to you all : Give the negative nellies in your life the heave-ho. No one has time for anyone who would hold them back or hold them down. Life is short and we've still got so much to do.
I love and support you all. *giant happy hug to f-list & all LJ-ers*
♥ L