Name: LeAnne
Age: 16
Location: Georgia
Status: taken
Any piercings or tattoos? pierced ears
5 words that describe you: tall, skinny, athletic, intelligent, girly
Accessory:purses or shoes
Article of clothing: Lacoste polos
Type of weather: sunny and warm
Color: pink
Thing about opposite sex: They're so dorky it's cute
Stores: Urban Outfitters, Bebe, Juicy, Chanel, Dior, Lacoste, Tommy Hilfiger, Abercrombie, Hollister
Singer/bands: Weezer, The Cranberries
TV shows: Old Sitcoms ROCK!
Music genre: rock
Movies: Billy Madison is hysterical, Hitch was really good, Anchorman
Actress/Actor: ADAM SANDLER!
Hobbys:shopping, Legislature, dancing, theatre, singing, running, hiking
-YOUR VIEWS ON- [more then 5 words..put some effort into it]
Drugs/Drinking: I think drugs are straight up retarded. Honestly, what is the benefit of them? You get addicted and then spend so much money you could be spending on education, a car, an apartment, or something you could use again or wouldn't get you arrested. I think drinking is ok in small quantities, but it's dumb to drink for the sake of being drunk.
Gay marriages/relationships: You said to put some effort in, but...all I can say is Live and Let live. If God doesn't want gay people to marry, let him correct it. It's not up to us.
Abortion: I have deliberated over this many times. Personally, I think, even in cases such as rape, that adoption would be better, but I also understand how devastating rape can be. If you were dumb enough to have unprotected sex, then you should handle the consequence. So, I guess that leaves me to pro choice
Premarital sex: I think if you can handle the consequences, go for it. Sex is also a very emotional experience, especially for girls. Usually, most girls are more emotional than guys, and aren't aware that alot of guys JUST want sex. But, if I really loved a guy and was with him long enough, I would when the time was right.
tell us a secret:I am borrowing my sister's new sweater and she doesn't know about Sorry, all I got as of now.
tell us something unique about you: I have danced for 14 years
promote in 2 places other than your own journal: why should you be accepted? what makes you 'A' list material? Because I'm rich, cute, stylish, and popular
will you promote THE HELL out of this community? hell yeah
*post AT LEAST 3 CLEAR pictures of yourself*
SUPER bad pic...but, it's the only one of me smiling I