Title: Put Under Pairing: Arthur/Cobb Rating: PG13 Summary: Based on this prompt from the kink meme "Cobb loves putting Arthur under; it's the only time he ever sees him vulnerable."
Arthur is a capable man, always guarded, always ready to spring into action, it’s only when he’s put under that his face softens and the lines of his body slump in on themselves. It’s only when he’s put under that he’s vulnerable and Cobb can’t get enough of it. Fffff yes yes yes~! I hate seeing Arthur portrayed as weak or floofy, and so yes. This. And Cobb knows it. Heee~!
It feels kinda hurt/comfortable... Actully this paring really fits h/c >< Would you mind me translate it into chinese and put it in my journal? Of course I will the link of ur fic! Please~~
Comments 13
/is speechless
Arthur is a capable man, always guarded, always ready to spring into action, it’s only when he’s put under that his face softens and the lines of his body slump in on themselves. It’s only when he’s put under that he’s vulnerable and Cobb can’t get enough of it.
Fffff yes yes yes~! I hate seeing Arthur portrayed as weak or floofy, and so yes. This. And Cobb knows it. Heee~!
But yeah. He can be kind, he can be gentle, but he's not a complete pushover. ♥
I actually think Arthur is a rather kind person judging by how he treats everyone. He's just also a BAMF that will climb up walls to beat your ass.
Actully this paring really fits h/c ><
Would you mind me translate it into chinese and put it in my journal? Of course I will the link of ur fic!
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