Jun 02, 2014 23:09

DOODLES DOODLES AND MORE DOODLES. A more cartoon-y style than I'm used to, but only because I've been rushing through them and such instead of taking a lot of time.

I haven't posted any of these on Tumblr because I'm ashamed, so. 8| It's all Mabo/Nagase (except for that one thing with Nagase in a dress AY) because, again, I am very very biased.

Usually TOKIO in women's clothes is something I can't deal with but I REALLY WANTED TO DOODLE HIM IN A DRESS???? So here it is. B(((

Tomoya your crush is so obvious eeeeeeee
He's saying "Ikemen...!" by the way 8D

SO CARTOON-Y. So not anime. Or at least trying not to be anime. IDK I WANTED TO DRAW THEM BEIN' GAY twin towers doesn't know how to use napkins clearly

pokemon yaaAAAAA

j, journal: art

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