Okay, I whine a lot so this will be a good change of pace. |D
O Pearly. I've always loved Pearl in canon. She is this really sweet kid who is unknowingly in the middle of this horrible family drama that hurts her and the people she cares about. Hahaha o-okay I can not talk without going into the whole FEY DRAMARAMA. BASICALLY BAD STUFF HAPPENS TO PEARL. I FEEL AWFUL FOR HER AND THEN I LOVE HER MORE.
I really love being able to have Pearl interacting with other characters. Pearl grew up almost completely isolated (thanks a lot, Morgan Fey) and a little kid like her really need to have more friends. Pearl is such a charming kid, but not in a way she's actually aware of it. Pearl's appeal is all natural in that she's just very kind, friendly human being who cares about other people who will do her absolute best to try and help them.
Also she's cute as a button. And she has these adorable quirks like her tiny!shippy that are just so much fun and I need to play up more. SHE STOOD UP TO FRANZISKA VON KARMA. THAT'S SO BADASS. And then in camp she stood up to Anna. Bad. ass. I need to do more standing up to tsunderes. And learn to read. Basically I have so much stuff I could do with my loli, and I love it.
Honestly the months before I apped her, I just kept wondering why no one had tried yet. PEARL IS AWESOME. AND NOW SHE'S MINE. >) Pearlyyyyy
The fact that people like to thread with Pearl just makes me really happy. \o/ Because I love the loli and it seems like I'm doing okay. ;;b
I have a thing for Asakuras. It's true. I absolutely love every single one of them, and they're my favourites in the series. While Hao is not my favourite (that spot belongs to Yoh), he is way up there.
From his first appearance, I knew I'd like him a lot. I mean he's a ^_^ rapist. He's also forward, incredibly confident and charming in that ...kind of douchey way. And then he got bitchsmacked by Anna for exhibiting these qualities. lolololol
Basically, Hao is a lot of fun. He's a rapist, but he does really stupid things. He can also be unpredictably angry and violent. Okay, I'm hardly showing that last bit of his personality. :|
In camp, there are people who are stronger than him, so Hao is playing 'nice'. By playing nice, I mean staying in ^_____^ mode. The thing about Hao is that he's uninterested in actually making 'friendships', not in the real sense of the word. Hao likes to probe and hint, and never give himself away unless he feels like it. He makes carefully ^___^ responses while offering little actual insight into who he actually is or letting people get close to him. ...And mind you, this is how he acts toward characters who actually interest him and that he likes in some way (ie. Miyako). I find these kinds of threads frustrating but sort of fun. Lololol what a ^___^ douche.
Unfortunately, I've finally accepted that I can only bring Hao out in rather strange situations and thread with certain kinds of people that he's actually interested in. But I get this weird dynamic from threading with Hao that is really unique and I love it |D. Also, now I have more canon mates to be openly douchey towards. 8D
I WILL CONTINUE SO BE PARANOID, but I love it, really. Wtf guys I'm playing Hao. 8D
In general, I'm really happy with the two characters I have. They share qualities.. or rather abilities and backgrounds that are eerily familiar, but they're motivated by very different things and their voices are very different in my head. Wheeee. ...Why did my Hao section end up with emoticon abuse.