Since I had such fun the other day writing my reactions to the episodes of Doctor Who and Torchwood, I'll do it again!
(Only this time it will be my first time watching the episode and not a week after...)
So, first, my reactions while watching Fires of Pompeii
- OMG's! Donna's clothes are sooo cute!
- She is so cute! And so happy!
I love that the
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Comments 11
As a native Brit I can tell you that this episode in particular was just littered with in jokes and even references to other TV programmes. The 'Roman' street vendor said 'Lovely jubbly!' which is one of Del Boy's phrases from 'Only Fools and Horses' just to mention one instance! I think the writers are probably being a little too clever ...
Keep up the good work! : )
I have a philosophy when it comes to tv shows: Even if a I don't get all the references, or if the science/history is wrong, I don't really care. I'm there for the characters, really. The rest is just a bonnus.
But, when I watch it some other day, I'll try and pay attention to these things. =)
Hey, thanks!
(Mind if I friend you?)
Of course not! I shall friend you too! I think we have found some common interests already! : )
Donna is great, I still love Rose, but she's so adorable, and this season started so funny, without emo Doctor, I'm loving it!!!! And yeah, it will all be back when he see Rose again......
And that's really a good question: Since when the there's lots of white light inside the TARDIS?
I'm loving Donna a bit more each week. She's just amazing.
Have you seen The Sontaran Stratagem? She was amazing in that (as was Martha and Ross and Wilf...)
The white light... another attempt to make the Doctor all godly and stuff? *le sigh*
I hate this godly thing about the Doctor... unfortunately RTD loves it ://
Tell me about it... That's one of the things about Donna, she just treats him like a normal (alien) bloke most of the time.
ahm in ur journal wshing u a happee birthday
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