Title: Five Drabbles Concerning The Exploits of Bastian Schweinsteiger and Lukas Podolski
Rating: PG
Pairing: Bastian Schweinsteiger/Lukas Podolski
Disclaimer: Fiction
Summary: Boys and their idiocy...
Author's Note: This is my foray into football rps. Hope you like it!
Bastian Schweinsteiger Was Never Subtle
Lukas did not want a sweaty, all-too-excited Bastian Schweinsteiger jumping onto his back like a spider monkey high on cocaine. But that is exactly what transpires after he scores Germany's first goal against Russia. He had thought that they weren't on speaking terms after Bastian ignored him for his "the Schweinski was never a marriage" statement all those months ago.
But maybe he was wrong, Lukas thinks to himself as Bastian yells, "Fuck yeah! Fuck yeah!" into his right ear at 110 decibels. Or maybe it was the moment calling for Bastian's impulsive behavior.
Not like he's complaining.
Bastian and Lukas Become Germany's Most Patriotic Citizens
Michael is irritated by Bastian and Lukas's silent argument so he decides that humiliation is the key to their reconciliation. Just like their first day on the team, he forces the two boys to march around the pitch (naked, nonetheless) and sing Deutsche Nationalhymne at the top of their lungs. The entire team finds this amusing, and even Jogi cracks a smile.
But Michael forgets that Bastian and Lukas are just teenagers playing adults, so what starts out as a punishment becomes something extremely silly. Michael hears their laughter and mock-singing penetrate through the chilly air.
Well, it worked.
Lukas Speaks Polish, Thereby Causing Frustration For Bastian (But Bastian Takes Advantage of It, Anyway)
Bastian sees Lukas and Miro huddled together, conversing in a language that he has tried to learn but he swears he can never understand. It's hopeless when Lukas tries to teach him some conversational Polish during their stolen moments together. He can't even say, "Hi, I'm Bastian Schweinsteiger. How are you?" after twenty-one unsuccessful tries. Consecutively.
So when he sees them laughing, he feels the need to march up to Miro and utilize the only Polish phrase that he knows perfectly.
Because he can always blame Lukas for telling him that *chuj ci w dupe meant "Awesome goal yesterday."
*Fuck you
Jogi Sees All. No, really.
Jogi has an iron fist when it comes to coaching his team. His roving eyes always sees everything, from Klose's quiet determination to Ballack's defiant behavior.
And then there's Podolski and Schweinsteiger.
Lukas and Bastian sometimes wander off into their own little world during practices. He sees them joking around as if they're invisible to the team. Knowing those two, Jogi keeps an even closer eye on them when he instructs other players.
One day his eyes start to wander away. The next thing he knows they're unleashing a well thought out prank on an innocent victim.
Poor Philipp Lahm...
The Robot Theory
Bastian comes up with ridiculous ideas every second, so when he tries to explain to Lukas about his robot theory Lukas is hardly paying attention. (Because who actually pays attention to Bastian Schweinsteiger?) But Bastian is persistent (and maybe a little obsessive) so Lukas decides to respond when he explains it for the third time.
"Jogi isn't really a human being," Bastian begins to say excitedly, "He's actually a robot who's planning to make us his slaves!"
Then Bastian convinces Lukas to yell out, "Hail Jogi, our robot overlord!"
Lukas doesn't even know why he agrees to this idiotic idea.