Title: Scoring One Past the Goalkeeper
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Michael Ballack/Iker Casillas
Disclaimer: Fiction
Summary: After the initial satisfaction of having won the European Championship wears off, Iker finds himself in an odd situation.
Author's Note: That whole
yellow card thing during the Germany vs. Spain match pretty much did it for me.
Maybe Iker really doesn't know what he's doing. After all, he's lying on his hands and knees in a dingy room somewhere in Austria or Switzerland. Hell, he's already forgotten which country he's in. What's the difference, anyway? They're both the same to him.
All he sees is the dark wall in front of him. There's a pillow underneath him somewhere. He can feel the rough blankets tangled around his legs. Maybe it isn't so bad after all. From his position, he can hardly see the German behind him, panting and groaning for the man's own selfish pleasure.
When Iker buries his head in the mattress, he sees absolutely nothing. Maybe that's a good thing, he thinks, because he really doesn't know what he's doing in bed with his supposed enemy.
He knows he deserves much more than a red card for this. (Oh, definitely. For sure. There's no doubt about it.) Because, well, everything else is going straight to the dogs.