Anderson's Folly

Dec 26, 2008 23:44

Title: Anderson's Folly
Series: AC360
Pairing: Anderson Cooper/Erica Hill
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Fiction
Summary: Anderson and Erica's love for inside jokes aren't blatant enough for their audiences to understand, but their flirting is another thing entirely.
Author's Note: This fic is a result of this short clip.

It's those smiles, that knowing laughter, and an inside joke or two that really gets to him. When she mentions a subtle reference to their relationship-on air, no doubt-he feels a sort of voyeuristic pleasure at having millions of people tune in their flirty exchanges and inside jokes.

Maybe those anonymous viewers aren't so dimwitted after all. Anderson bets a million dollars that they're able to catch his double entendres faster than Erica can. As if those aren't enough, once in a while the cameramen even gives them odd looks while they're taping. Their facial expressions can range from slight disbelief to muffled laughter. They're easily amused, those cameramen. (And quite nosy too.)

Every time Erica laughs, Anderson realizes that he can be quite the charmer. Just look at her. That laughter definitely isn't faked for the camera. Sure, Erica might deny the effect he has on her but her reactions have been recorded on tape far too many times. She'll never come up with a defense strong enough to prove her innocence. Anderson is well aware of this, of course.

So when she shows their viewers how a Pottery Barn Kids catalog has products (such as diaper bags, blankets, etc.) with both of their names coincidentally engraved on the items, and he asks if her husband was a little nervous-a little jealous, maybe?-when he saw their names together, she replies with, "No. I mean I hope you don't take that the wrong way. But you know, he's confident."

He easily states that Erica's husband has absolutely nothing to be nervous about. He delivers this affirmation with such confidence that it makes Erica laugh. And then she laughs again when she finally catches on to his meaning, because both of them know that her husband has everything to worry about.

Even if she isn't forced into admitting the truth, Erica will still agree with Anderson's statement. After all, the two are quite fond of inside jokes.

fic: anderson cooper/erica hill

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