Title: The Incidental Voyeur
Series: AC 360, Campbell Brown: No Bias, No Bull
Pairing: Erica Hill/Campbell Brown, Anderson Cooper
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Fiction
Summary: After stumbling on two of his female colleagues sharing an intimate moment, Anderson decides that being a heterosexual male is probably one of life's hardest challenges.
That's hot.
For one quick second Anderson chides himself for having the mindset of Paris Hilton, but it isn't as if he's hung up on that particular fact. The sight before him is enough to bungle his thoughts and render him silent. After all, what are you supposed to do when you see two of your co-workers grope and kiss each other passionately with the utmost abandon?
Like any other heterosexual male on this planet, Anderson watches the two women in a voyeuristic fashion. With his mouth slightly agape, he finds it extremely hard to move his feet or look away. At this very moment, Campbell's hands are gripping Erica's hair while she moans quietly in pleasure. Anderson tries to keep himself in check as Erica leaves a trail of kisses on Campbell's neck. Where are her hands, anyway? He catches a glimpse of her arms in Campbell's blouse. Obviously Erica's trying to unclasp her bra.
Jesus, couldn't these two find an empty room and lock the damn door? This is seriously too much for him to handle.
Just as Anderson is about place one foot behind the other and tiptoe backwards, Erica opens her eyes. Without a doubt, she'd already notice him before he could make his getaway.
"Oh. Anderson."
It isn't a question as much as it is a statement. Anderson freezes and quickly focuses on a dusty plastic plant lying in the corner, although he finds it hard to keep his eyes away as Campbell gently pushes herself from Erica and smooths her blouse and trousers. Her lame attempt at trying to pretend as if nothing had happened almost makes Anderson smile in amusement.
He tries to clear his throat but due to his anxiety, he fails. In a raspy voice, he says, "Uh. I think I better, uh, leave. Um, sorry. I didn't mean to, uh, intrude."
"Well, you already have," Campbell interrupts loudly. Her attitude indicates that she might be a tad annoyed at him. Anderson doesn't reply and an uncomfortable silence settles around them.
"Okay then," begins Erica, in an attempt to lighten the mood. "So, um, Anderson. Are you going to leave anytime soon? Or are you thinking of joining us?"
He looks up, staring at her in shock. "Uh, Erica. I-I- Uh."
Campbell has an incredulous look on her face. She eyes both of them warily, wondering what Erica is up to and waiting anxiously for Anderson to refuse the offer and leave them alone.
"Oh, come on, Anderson! Why would you say no?" Erica asks playfully. He becomes a little uneasy when she saunters in his direction, smiling and teasing. A chunk of his mind is telling him to say "yes, yes, yes" but obviously this isn't just a yes or no situation.
"Don't lie to me," Erica accuses, "I've seen the way you've looked at us."
Okay, so maybe this really is a yes or no situation.
Erica continues on. "You don't know what you're missing."
"Oh, come on. Say yes!"
He notices Campbell scrutinizing him with her arms crossed, waiting impatiently. She looks as if she's ready to tear his throat out. Anderson thinks that her attitude seems promising for all the wrong reasons. It leaves him no choice.
"Um, yes?"
Jesus Christ. It's hard being a man sometimes.