Title: Flying At the Speed of Sound
Pairing: Steven Gerrard/Xabi Alonso
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Rumors fly regarding the Liverpool captain and his number 9. Xabi doesn't like it at all.
Warning: angst (loads of it), anger, and a mention of physical violence
Notes: Everyone keeps fighting over how Stevie/Nando isn't the otp so the idea for this story came
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Comments 32
MAKE IT LONGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
no but i really do like it a lot. lkasjfklasfj xabi xabi xabi xabi xabi. aksfjlaskjf. except like. it makes me sad to think of xabi punching stevie haha D:
Yeah, it made me sad when I was writing it. =/ But idk, the idea just popped into my head during English class and they're men so, idk. Physical violence doesn't seem out of the equation. As much as I like to read slash, it icks me sometimes to see two footballers acting, idk, feminine. It just seems weird 'cause they're guys but I know it's slash so I feel like such a hypocrite.
Ahhh, rant! My bad.
he's just. one of those guys, you know? (STEVIE, on the other hand...ahhaha)
but i do like the way you wrote it, and i love it at as a whole. that's just my only issue hahah.
Aaah, Xabi, why so emo?
any fic that gives him his masculinity is a ok, lol.
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And thank you for reading and commenting! ♥
ahahahaha. =( this is so heartbreaking anda aldskjf and sighhhh♥
Ahhh, Xabiii. <333
I liked it, really! Sometimes I envy people who can write a whole story in thousand words. Me? I'm hopelessly prolix, thanksalot :-)
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