Well. Here it is. What you've all been waiting for.
We were on the way there. We......as in me. Olivia called right after we left to go up there. My mom thought it would be a good idea if I just went to her house instead of trying to meet her there. It turned out to be the best decision we made all day. Trying to find her there would have been chaos. So we get there...and hella early...and it's already started. Olivia tells me to roll the window down so we can hear who's playing. I recognized it immediately as The Bled. And I almost had a fit because I was missing them. We waited for about 30 minutes in the car before we finally got out and walked to the entrance. There were kids selling cds out in front. We got to the front and we finally found a line to get in...and they checked our tickets twice. We got in...and saw Starbucks and the Bishop Stage. I was surprised Liv didn't make me go for Starbucks right there. But we kept walking. We got to the Vans' tent and wrote down all the times. Then we called Olivia but she couldn't hear us....we kept walking, checking everything out, getting all the free junk. The first band we saw was Halifax. They were amazing. It was the second time I had seen them live.We only stayed for a few minutes and left. The next band I remember seeing was Greeley Estates. God, I love them. Later that day we went to their tent and got them to autograph some posters. I got their CD =) So anyway...the Transplants were playing next and we just kind of turned around and yeah...we got to see Travis Barker. Fun stuff. Then we went and saw the Horrorpops. Olivia's idea...and they had dancers and everything. It was pretty fun. Then we went and saw My American Heart. After the singer attacked us at his booth...but that's another story for another time... Then we went to see The Spill Canvas at the Smartpunk Stage..but we missed them. And we just kind of sat there and I called Mike...finally. Mike and Jena got there and we all walked around and ended up at the Peta2 booth where Mike was sticking stickers on random people's backs and stuff. We left there and walked to the Bishop Stage and I got to see Fall Out Boy and got a drink and Mike and Jena got some food. After that we walked back and saw Reggie and the Full Effect. They put on a great show. The singer took off his pants and had green NFG girly shorts on with pink lining and started singing to a techno song by a band from the UK. I didn't get to see The Bled....but two band members were behind the stage at Reggie and the singer had a beer can with some kinda bottle lid on it he got at Spencer's. He started chugging his beer onstage. Then one of the other members was on the side of the stage watching. I freaked out because I heart the Bled so much. Then we were hot and tired...so we went back to the Bishop Stage and saw my personal favorite.....SAOSIN. They were, to say the least.....AMAZING. I have audio recordings of them. And some awesome pics. Me, Liv, Mike, and Jena all kind of sat there in all the trash talking. Then we left haha. We were so hot and thirsty and tired and BURNED. Ugh....but it was all worth it. I got a Saosin shirt...and some posters...the rest was all free junk. And that's about it. I had a great time. But it was better in Texas because the lines to meet people weren't so long and I actually could. We also saw Paramore and Boys Night Out. But anyway...here are the pics.
Travis mothafuckin' Barker.
My idol....Ryan Zimmerman from Greeley Estates...most gorgeous boy I've ever seen.
Cove from SAOSIN. Woooooooooooo! *heart heart*
My American Heart. That boy is awesome. He also has my belt.
Reggie and the Full Effect.
I thought this was kinda funny.
Singer of the Bled with his beer can / bottle attatchment.
I also thought this was kinda awesome.
Boys Night Out...performing "Purging" off of 'Train Wreck'.
Another member of the Bled...on the side of the stage at Reggie.
Singer of Halifax. He is also another one of my idols. He's awesome...and GORGEOUS.
That's all I have. Feast on that and be SO jealous. *heart heart* See y'all there next yearrrr.
EDIT: There's no such thing as not having fun at the Warped Tour...unless you DIED. Kthnx ^_^