i went to a wedding today. sometimes i wish i could imagine myself married in the near future. but i cannot.....i have a lot of learning/growing to do before that i think. my brother was a groomsman. he looked sharp. :) yay for my lil bro joel (i guess he's not really little anymore, hehe). the groom (my bro's friend raymond) made his best man (
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Comments 6
hey how did our reading matthew go? *L* i'm pretty sure i'm still on chapter 1....verse...1 haha....or maybe 2... :S
i hear ya...i guess weddings do remind me i'm single. especially now that many of the couples are YOUNGER than me. haha. but as i said, as much as i wish i was ready for it, i'm not. and pretending i was and grabbing the next guy i see on the street and asking him to marry me won't really change it haha. (altho i think i'm finally at the point where i think i could handle dating haha)...so there's hope!
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talk to me and i will explain.
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