Super fun meme! List your fave 12 characters in no particular order then do the meme!
1.Bellatrix Lestrange
2.Horace Slughorn
3.Minerva McGonagall
4.Narcissa Malfoy
5.Severus Snape
6.Luna Lovegood
7.Lily Evans
8.Tom Riddle
9.Neville Longbottom
10.Madam Hooch
11.Hermione Granger
12.Poppy Pomphrey
1) Have you ever read a Six/Eleven fanfic before?
No, but there's a ton of em!
2) Do you think Four is hot? How hot?
Probably the only blonde character I find super hot. Probably cause of the way Makani drew her. :3
3) What would happen if Twelve got Eight pregnant?
Poppy! You got sum esplain'in to do!!
4) Do you recall any fics about Nine?
Haven't read many.
5) Would Two and Six make a good couple?
No, she wasn't in the Slugclub. But I have seen a pr0n pic with the two oddly enough. o.O
6) Five/Nine or Five/Ten?
[Snape/Neville, Snape/Hooch]
Snape and Hooch WAY more! Yus please.
7) What would happen if Seven walked in on Two and Twelve having sex?
[Lily, Slughorn/Poppy]
Totally, freakin possible. I'm sure Lily would be all O_O "Oh, sorry!*british accent, blush and run off*" And Slughorn would be all =O!
8) Make up a summary of a Three/Ten Fanfic.
This happens ALL the time. Flying together, sex in the broom closet, epic.
9) Is there any such thing as a One/Eight fluff?
Wow, I picked my toons in a great order! Fluff, tho? No. Never. Never, ever any fluff with Bella. EVER.
10) Suggest a title for a Seven/Twelve Hurt/Comfort Fic
Red Tales from the Hospital Wing
11) What kind of plot would you use if you wanted Four to de-flower One?
This would be hard considering Bella would have been the one who "de-flowered" her baby sister. Let's go with they de-flowered each other in Narcissa's bed on Halloween.
12) Does anyone on your friends list read Three het?
Duh! All those Tom/Minerva shippers! Or Alastor/Minerva. xD Or Snape/McGonagall! :DDD
13) Does anyone on your friends list write or draw Eleven?
Not my friends. Nope.
14) Would anyone on your friends list write Two/Four/Five?
Whoa, not in a million years. That just sounds like someone is drunk at the computer again.
15) If you wrote a song-fic about Eight, what song would you choose?
Well, if it were Minerva/Tom I'd pick a few songs.
"Salty Seas" by The Devics
"Spanish Doll" by Poe
16) If you wrote a One/Six/Twelve fic, what would the warning be?
"Warnings! This makes no since and is completely NOT cannon! In anyway! Lots of pointless smut! Bloodplay! S&M! Hurt/Comfort! Crazy bunnies from space!:D"