.kick ass chromosomes.

Apr 13, 2004 21:38

1> What time did you get up?6:45am..then..8:15am..then..11:30am

2> If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be? Ashton.

3>Gold or silver? Silver

4>What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Torque? (sp?)

5>What is your favorite TV show? Real World Sand Diego

6>What did you have for breakfast today?  Fet. Alfredo! leftovers!!

7> Who would you hate to be stuck in a room with?  prissy girls! ugh!

8> What/Who inspires you?   Friends mostly.

9>What is your middle name? Nicole

10> Beach, city or country?  Depends on the weather. Country=Winter, Beach=Summer

11>Favorite ice cream?  Vanilla.

12>Butter, plain, or salted popcorn?  HATE popcorn

13>Favorite color? it changed daily...today=blue.

14>What kind of car do you drive? Corrolla

15>Favorite sandwich? Honey Ham, Mayo, Cheese.

16>What characteristic do you despise?  SNOBS!

17>Favorite flower? Roses?

18>If you could go anywhere in the world on a vacation, where would it be?  Austrailia

19>What color is your bathroom? White.

21>Where would you like to retire? dunno

22>What is your favorite day of the week?  Friday

23>What did you do for your last birthday? Slept in.

24>Where were you born? Nashville

25>Favorite sport to watch?  Football

26>Who do you least expect to send this back to you? I dont expect anyone to do it, if you want to, then here it is.

27>Person you expect to send it back first?  I dont care

28>What fabric detergent do you use? Purex

29>Coke or Pepsi? Coke in a can, Pepsi any other time

30>Are you a morning person or a night owl?  Niiiiight Owl

31>What is your shoe size?  5 1/2 haha

32>Do you have any pets? I wish i had one. I cant have any here

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