Quietly, Sephiroth approached Genesis again, about an hour after their earlier... incident. "Gen-e-sis. I-- am sorry." He wouldn't look into his lover's face, choosing to watch the floor, instead.
Genesis's expression turns into one of slight worry as he thinks of what to say. He isn't really the type to say sorry so easily. But he approaches Sephiroth and reaches out to run a hand through his hair.
Sephiroth leaned into the touch. He was silent, but still shaking-- slightly; not nearly as badly as before, but it was obvious he was still not completely well.
"... It's okay." The words came softly. Although Genesis never hesitated with liking someone, when it came to more complicated emotions such as dealing with what had happened earlier, feeling came harder to him.
He nodded twice, as though to convince Genesis that all was well. "Not-- a virus. I understand. I-- need-- to sit-- down." He walked over to the couch, softly placing himself on it, unknowingly beginning to curl up by just a little.
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