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Comments 16
<33 me
if you can answer that comment on ur LJ and i'll read it
i guess they like the challenge,
bitchy girls usually put up a fight,
or just totally let guys take over
them, nice pretty girls on the other
hand can do the same thing, but
i just think that guys really are
attracted to the fight that
a bitchy girl gives to them. And
I dont think your weird.. at all.
lol. I think your actually pretty
smart for realizing that. This might
sound pretty sterotypical but i think
your right, i meen it might not be
like that in all cases, but in most
it is. Plus many hot guys are assholes
them selves, not all, like my tom=),
but some are because well they know there
hot.. so maybe there attracted to their
own kind of bitchiness.
<33 Katie
so.....y do u think everyone is distant....no one likes to party and have fun no more :-(......and that person who commented before about the bitchy girl thing...thats a very good point....im not one for bitches so.....yea...i like fun...not with a huge bitch side tho....uhh..i love desk...i love...car..pet...i love.....lamp...oh..and my doggie..ya kno whats weird...ive had the weirdest relationships of my life..! its crazy...got any advice for that...? alll wise katie...
changing at the moment. Especially
if your talking about people going
from middle school to high school,
i dont know why, but everyone feels
so pressured to be someone else.
I never thought that would happen
to many people, but i did..i think
once people get the point that there
fine how they are, and that just
because things chance, that doesn't
meen they have to change, that things
will settle themselfes out.and weird
relationships.. ick, who doesn't?
Maybe your just searching for the
wrong type or person, think about
what you like about people that you
go out with, and maybe try for someone
differant. But you will always have
weird relationships, theres nothing
you can really do to avoid them,
one day and time, they'll come along.
Just take the best out of them and
have fun is my advice=)
<33 me
nick thing didn't give it away
the i love you more than eathing
pizza at caitlins party did!:)
Ha I love you!!!
<33 me
Am I good or am I good?
=p 90 miles.. sweetness.
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