this weekend consisted of jordans party, sleeping over at jordans with caitlin, have strawberry dackers at chillies, formal, and sleeping over at was really fun
im a PIMP ;)
me and jordan dressed up in laurens brothers cloths
geeeez we make HOTTT boys
caitlin haveing a little too much fun in the connor ;)
the boys we hungout with after the party and before(there was one more after ((cj)) i will post a pick of him too)
me and caitlin decited hide and seek was a must so we hid in the shower too bad the rest of the party did not know we were playing hide and seek
we were so pretty in our dresses
all of us before dinner lastnight whalll we were taking the picks like 500000 people honked at us oo were soo hotttt-lidsney stephanie lauren angie me jordan and shelly- oh and sorry this ones a little BIG
me and woody
me and lauren all ready for bed
woody putting his shirt on
jordans dad riding his "harley"
me jordan and angie before bed lastnight
pat and woody
dome! ;)
me and jordan went to waffel house this morning and i think the guy who mad the hashbrowns had a crush on us ;) ;) >>>>>>>he says he doesn't smile for pictures