One Shot: A Significant Moment

Dec 08, 2010 07:24

Title: A Significant Moment
Author: a_silver_story
Rating: G
Warnings: None. I dunno what counts as 'bashy' any more, so we'll call it light teasing, if it's even that.
Disclaimer: *sigh* is this actually necessary? Belongs to BBC. There.
Summary: Both Gwen and Ianto want a sweetie, but Jack only has one left ...

For kholran

Jack bound through the cog door into the main area of the Hub, sucking the caramel and chocolate he'd just eaten out of his teeth with a sound of great satisfaction. Within seconds, Gwen was before him.

“You've got sweets?” she asked innocently, and a little overly-eager.

“That I do,” grinned Jack, and started rooting in his pockets to find them.

Ianto emerged from the Archives, a file under his arm. “Afternoon,” he called to them as he approached, a spring in his step. “The Archives are now all officially digital.”

Jack was scowling to himself, Gwen's hand held out expectantly, waiting. Ianto's eyebrow raised. “What's going on?”

“Jack has sweets,” Gwen informed him without hesitation.

“Ooh!” Ianto perked up further. “Can I have one?”

“In a minute, in a minute …” Jack grumbled. “I can't find - ah! Here we go!”

He pulled the brown wrapper with its gold foil out of his pocket and started rooting through the almost empty packaging. “Oh,” he winced. “Only one left.”

He glanced from one to the other, from Gwen's expectant hand to Ianto's quiet patience.

“Here you go, Ianto,” he smiled, and held the little chocolate up to Ianto's lips. Ianto obediently opened his mouth with a smile and let Jack pop it in. “Sorry, Gwen,” Jack shrugged. “Next time, okay?”

Obliviously, Jack turned on his heal and skipped off happily into his office.

Ianto chewed on his sweet, his brow slightly furrowed.

Gwen was staring at him. “Did that just happen?”

“I think so …”

“Oh. My. God.”

“I know.”

“Oh. My. God.”

“I know,” Ianto repeated, this time sounding a little smug. “Given the choice between you and me …”

“Oh, don't rub it in …” Gwen whined. “He probably doesn't even realise the significance!”

Ianto smirked. “Just because he chose me over you …”

“Oh come on - it wasn't a marriage proposal!”

“It may as well have been.”

“You're just reading too much into it.”

“Am not.”

Gwen pouted, then turned back to her workstation. Ianto smiled to himself, and dutifully returned to his, too.

A few minutes later, Gwen heard her name.

“Hey - Gwen?” Ianto called.


“Just wanted to remind you of something important.”

“Hm?” she frowned. “What?”

“Something very, very important. Life-changingly important, even.”

Gwen's frown deepend. “Ianto? What is it?” she asked curiously.

She clocked his far-too-innocent expression a moment too late, and groaned loudly. Smug bastard. Gwen watched him drawing in his breath for his big announcement, and waited for it like someone afraid of needles waiting for the jab.

“At one fifteen this afternoon,” Ianto began. “We were stood over there-” he pointed. “And - and I can't quite believe this - Jack gave me … Jack gave me …”

“Oh, just out with it,” Gwen sighed defeatedly.

Ianto puffed his chest out, satisfaction written on his face.

“At one fifteen this afternoon, Captain Jack Harkness gave me his Last Rolo. So HA!”

And with that, he returned to work, wishing he still had the taste of chocolate and caramel in his mouth, though happily he realising that the lingering sweetness of satisfaction would simply have to do.

Comments are better than sex and take astronomically less time to satisfy me.:)

Torchwood Index/Masterlist

fluff, jack harkness, gwen cooper, ianto jones, one shot, humour

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