Player Information
Name: Pyro
Personal Journal:
pyro_archvile Contact Info: Pyro Archvile (AIM)
Other Characters: N/A
Character Information
Name: Koakuma
Source Canon: Touhou Project
Age: No one knows for sure, not even Koa herself
Role In Canon: Embodiment of Scarlet Devil 4th Stage Midboss / Patchouli's Assistant
Justification: N/A
History: For starters, there's
this at the Touhou Wikia. And yes, she's up to date... despite turning up in only one game.
Personality: Koakuma, at first glance, has the look of a quiet, obedient and cute shrinking violet type, a look that she's more than willing to take advantage of. There are only a few she is obedient to, Patchouli, as she is her familiar, and of course, Remilia.
Abilities: First of all, unaided flight. Second, she possesses a few simple spells, danmaku or otherwise. As for her strength, it's about the same as the average human.
One here. [Video]
[A red-headed devil-girl turns up in the mirror, a curious expression on her face.]