Title: Happiness Disclaimer(s): This is an original work. Summary: An incoherent look into my love. A/N: It's not awfully difficult to guess the 'you.'
I-I'm sorry ajskld; I've been feeling nostalgic and depressed and bitter on and off all day .____. I just. it rings so true that you never realize what you've got and how much you love something until it's gone, or you think about the possibility of it being gone.
Ugh. I haven't been paying much attention to DBSK lately, because they depress me, but has the court made a decision? What's going to happen to them? >:
ksdhkjah -squish- ): You wrote that tiny fluff fic, and to balance it off, you've been writing angst all over. XDD;;;;
Okay, so I don't know what point you're updated to, but recently it's just been an entire mess. The court gave JaeChunSu the right to pursue other activities (Crebeau, CFs, etc.) outside of SME rule, but they have to pay 1/3 of the lawsuit fee or something like that. The rest was apparently denied, or so I've interpreted. Changmin and Yunho supposedly have been standing on SME's side (and gaining a lot of hate because of it :||||) and their fathers "released statements" basically saying how unfair / selfish (in nicer wording, sort of) the other three are being. And then JaeChunSu pulled out of the cosmetic company and said they didn't understand why SME kept targeting just that as the root cause, etc. and then there was a fake interview of them released about HoMin, and the Cassies are getting mad about SME trying to purposefully split up DBSK, and Crebeau is angry too about SME continuously trying to throw the blame on them, blah blah blah. And now the court (& SME & HoMin - supposedly) is basically saying that okay, they're allowed
( ... )
Comments 19
♥ My heart hurts. ):
Mine does too, bb /clings ;;
ksdhkjah -squish- ): You wrote that tiny fluff fic, and to balance it off, you've been writing angst all over. XDD;;;;
Love you Jen~
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