Title: Second Chances
fingeredheart Pairing: Akame, Kame x OC (friendship)
Genre: Romance, friendship, angst, drama, AU
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer(s): Nothing's mine except the plot.
Summary: “Because,” Kame breathes out, face pale, lips drawing together into a line (he suddenly looks tired, Jin thinks, washed out by the world). “I don’t want you to make the
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Comments 45
I can't wait to see it evolve even more.
And when the two meet.
Thanks for sharing.
It's seems to be really interesting!
I'm so glad you decided to post thiiiis *_____* YAY. Cannot wait to see the rest -squishglomps violently-
ajhsd JIN IS A ROCKSTAR. Like Natsu *_*
Watch me regret it, lmao. ): my Jin and Kame in here are so disagreeable, and I didn't start out wanting them to be, really. It's kind of fun to write, though, dies. /squiiiish ♥
JIN WOULD MAKE A GOOD ROCK STAR, Y/Y. omg, Natsu *_________* why are we such suckers for Natsu. :B
Their love is SPIKY ♥ . The disagreeable thing seems pretty canon anyway ;DD
YYYYYYYYY ♥! laksjd Because. HE IS NATSU. And he's a rockstar!!1!!one! alskj I keep writing rockstart.
rofl rofl SPIKY. It does seem canon, but I think it's more subtle. Mine are like, full out snarky :| TOO BAD. I am having fun. ahaha. /fails
LOL ROCKSTART. That somehow sounds really cool. Like a rocket or something. Rockstaaaaaaaart. Yeah okay, I'm just hyper :| BUT OMG, NATSU. WHY ARE WE LIKE THIS. NATSU. ♥
worry. But, then you deliver this and I'm totally hooked onto the plot. I can't wait until Kame and Jin interact. Oh, and thank you as always for your spaz-inducing fics XD
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