Hi, I'm Emily, and I have half of Hell in my brain.
So -- Uriel's a badass. And he'd make a really badass demon. And I can't just let canon kill him off like that when he's getting all evil and delicious in my head. So!
Uriel got thrown into Hell at the end of "On the Head of a Pin" as oppose to dying at the hand of Anna.
Technically when angels die in the SPN canon, they die and disappear into oblivion. But considering that according to mythology, Azazel was an angel once upon a time, there must be ways to turn angels into demons without killing them. I came up with my own process a long time ago (used mostly for
firesfallnangel and
shrpcryinthedrk) where
they lose their wings and get cast into the pit.
Now, considering SPN canon jumped ahead -- about a month from the time of Uriel's death, that puts Ur as being in the pit for ten years in this verse. Since he was an angel, I'm pretty sure he went to the nice shiny special Hell, and caved pretty quickly considering he was already anti-God, pro-Apocalypse to begin with. So I have a nice and shiny new demon to play with.
Anyone who knows me probably saw this coming. Eh. *shrugs*
For future reference, anything tagged with [verse] bat out of hell is Fallen!Uriel. Meatloaf verse names, FTW.
That is all.