(no subject)

Jun 22, 2004 22:21

My Daily:

Accept responsibility for your actions. Gladly take on that burden. Hiding would postpone the inevitable without canceling it. Instead of going that route, willingly take on what comes next. Face people directly when dealing with them -- you're not confrontation, you're just trying to understand their point. Conflict burns away in the spirit of cooperation. You intend to make everything right again, and you'll enlist the help of those who think they know what you should be doing. Together you'll learn that it's not always a question of either/or. Sometimes there's a third way that works even better.
Sporkie's Daily:

Certain people are hungry for more substance. If you're on the impatient end of the equation, you'll cut through the style and see what the content is all about. If you're the one staging this show, take all questions later instead of now. You have your reasons for generating this particular scene. The punch line is yet to come. You're doubly impressive when you finally get around to showing off your brainpower. Everybody who sticks around to see that part has to admit it was worth the wait.
Kallie's Daily:

Clean this mess up even if you weren't the one who made it. Maybe you'll be in a better position to learn about who did once you've put everything away. Maybe your interest in cooperating will warm hearts that were once closed to you. Try not to take a mistake too personally, especially when it's a random event. Everybody deserves a better life than he or she is getting. Instead of complaining about your fate to people whose sympathy may be limited, put those awesome skills of yours to good use. One way or another, you shall overcome.

Red's Daily:

You don't believe in bait and switch. Nobody plays that on your watch. Being open about your feelings and intentions is the best strategy. Naturally, there's your ferocity and your cosmic reputation as someone not to cross. There's also the element of legitimate surprise, because only yesterday you were all about cooperation. Well, things change, right? Your threshold is lower because you know that you really have a chance of winning this time. Few can touch you when you're a moving target that's going in an unexpected direction. If you carry this through tomorrow, you'll really accomplish something.

And all of you. PH334 the layout! Bleh... it's nauesating ain't it? Ah well.. Live and let live.

Today's Math Regents was.. decent. Comparatively speaking it was a lot easier than the practice examinations that were dealt out in the classroom. But still, some of the garbage on said exam was mind-bending, so I either made my own stuff up (mixed and matched a few equations here and there) or just felt blindly for what intuitively made sense or what have you...

Of course there had to be an Indirect Proof. I hate my life sometimes. I really do. Don't you give me a freakin' triangle sitting on a line ::Hiss::

But for the most part I have a feeling I passed; I took Mrs. Phillips advice anyways. She served as proctor and came down my row to take the proferred items, and then as said: "How do you think you did?" To which I replied with a nonchalant, though not disrespectful shrug, "I studied. SO we shall see." Then she gave me a reassuring pat on the shoulder and: "Ah don't think about it, don't worry. Just think about Europe. Have a good summer." You too Mrs. Phillips you too.

It's not the dear lady's fault I am inherently a dunce at math, someting intrinsic -seemingly - to a person whom's brain capacity deals heavily in the english department ::Huff::

I get by... somehow. But it's beyond my ken

Sporkie and I went to Mama Theresa's and had ourselves some Pasta Fagioli, pizza slices and frozen cappuccino. The latter was veddy good, and was "special" ha.

The meal came to 20 and a penny, and so we left a four dollar tip - IN QUARTERS! AND LOOSE CHANGE! Ah Sporkie Sporkie Sporkie.. xD; You oddball you

Then upon returning home I took various random recording clips of mah dearest VB bouncing around the house dancing and flapping. xD;; Fun stuff. We had like.. four cups of Pepsi between the two of us ::Crack:: ...little wonder, that.

Night ended on a quasi-good note. Talked on the phone to Kallie for all of 40 minutes before she had to head off to work. Hm. Ah well. Tomorrow we shall compensate for that.
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