Not that I expect any presents this Christmas, and hence I name this My Dream Christmas Wish List 2006. The order of the day is to combine practicality with absurdity. I shall try to list things that are within the power of purchase yet at the same time incorporate stuff I wish I had that is just not practical in terms of money, i.e. expensive.
1) A SLR or a fully manual digital camera. I don't know what models are good. Canon seems to offer the best price with the widest range of adjustable modes, but I don't really trust Canon digital cameras.
2) The New Creation Church "You Alone I Praise" cd and dvd set.
3) A Mac book.
4) Make-up: Lipstick, better mascara, better eyelash curler, concealer, eye make-up, primer, bronzer.
5) A PS or Xbox.
6) A hoodie (zipped up one).
7) More jeans.
8) Zara Asian-inspired t-shirt (which is not on sale anymore. Talk about improbable.)
9) A miracle weight-loss pill.
10) A denim jacket.
11) A dress. It'll be the first I own in a looonnnngggg time.
12) Black clothes.
13) Boots. The pair I saw on a fellow choir member once and never saw her again. I loved the pair she had. Too bad I didn't dare ask where she got it from.
14) Bags. Practical and impractical. For work and play.
15) Shoes. Slippers for comfort and just for going downstairs or to nearby places. Heels for work/play.
16) DKNY watch.
17) Perfume. Can't decide on the smell as yet. Maybe something from Calvin Klein since I've never had any C.K. perfume.
18) Bras and panties. Can never have too many of those.
19) Socks. I threw too many pairs away in Cambodia.
20) Grey's Anatomy 3 Dvd set, The O.C. 3 Dvd set, Prison Break Dvd set, any interesting/arty movies. I want to expand my knowledge.
21) Ariel by Sylvia Plath
22) A job.
23) Paid school fees or whatever stuff.
I think I have done enough crapping and have procrastinated enough, so I'm off to do my readings.