A story has been banging about locally for a few days which puzzled me -
Honda has banned fruit, cakes, and certain chocolate bars, because of ‘quality control’ issues. I could not imagine what this meant. Are they on a healthy eating kick? Are the workers not productive enough because they are dropping into Twix-induced sugar comas? But why do Honda want to ban fruit? FRUIT? The only thing I could think of is banana skin pranks. I looked further.
Honda have been delightfully specific. They clearly have a long list somewhere:
Clubs, Viscounts, Yo-Yos, Jaffa Cakes and Breakaways are evil; but gorge yourselves on Mars Bars, Snickers, and Bounty Bars. Oh, but don’t even think of taking a drink of water. . May I point out I don’t really want sticky coconut on my new car either, Honda? If you eat them by biting the chocolate off first (not that I do or anything, obviously…), bits of coconut will drop off. So please also exile the Bounty Bars.
But I was still baffled by the fruit ban. And the ‘quality control’ thing.
I finally found this…shoulda known to go to the local newspaper site, really. This throws some direct light on the problem:
No more Kit Kat :(…but the workers’ comments at the bottom reveal the ‘real’ story:’Suze’ says “I wouldn't really want to buy a brand new car with biscuit bits in the paint work.” Quite. But according to ‘Susie Q’, she’s “never seen a person eating a twix or a kitkat in a rest area get a warning, infact you can buy them in the vending machines”. Hm.
What about the fruit? ‘Piggles 36’ solves the mystery - “articles of food which have been left in the cars.” Seems quite random, though - what happens if someone drops, say, a pork pie, a kitten, or their watch in a car? They better ban those too…
But anyway, why didn’t a Honda exec just say that instead of sending me on a wild food chase? Either it’s not true, or Honda don’t want to admit to sending out an inferior product. Anyhow, I can now stop looking.
Oh, and spot the UKIP Councillor? That would be the person who commented: “I'm sure that 30% of those in Swindon would love to earn £500/week without water.” Lovely.
*Reminds me, I came across this recipe, which, apparently caused some controversy. Can’t imagine why…
Anyone for a Snickers Pie? I might well try it.