Torchwood fans...

Sep 08, 2008 15:32

Just a reminder - if you like Torchwood and can get BBC Radio 4, a 'special' ep. is on Wednesday (10th Sept) at 2.15pm. It's from Geneva - a tie-in with that particle-chasy-experiment thing that's happening.

'Big Bang Day: Torchwood - Lost Souls
By Joseph Lidster.

The Torchwood team go to Geneva, where former time-traveller Martha Jones is now working as a doctor at the world's biggest physics laboratory, CERN. Deep in an underground tunnel, a giant particle accelerator is about to be activated for the first time. But something strange is happening. Scientists are hearing voices and collapsing with a strange illness. Is something lurking in the tunnel?'

Bit scaremongery, no? Anyhow, Radio 4 are dedicating a whole day of programming to the experiment, broadcasting live from CERN. Follow the links from the bbc page above...
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