Hotmail is not my friend; Mr. Sulu in the jungle.

Nov 12, 2008 12:31

In the days before I knew better, I opened hotmail accounts. I have now, I think, three. One of these started receiving lots of 'undelivarable' emails. Next day, I couldn't get into the account at all. I reported it to hotmail. After a week and a half of being shoved about, they told me in order to keep my account I needed to stop sending spam. I told them I hadn't been doing that. Then they decided I'm not who I say I am, and aren't willing to tell me which part of the 'prove you are who you say you are' questionnaire I flunked. I suspect it's the postcode part, as I could have been living in any one of three areas in Britain when I originally registered. Thing about hotmail is you can't, as far as I'm aware, change your registration details.
They won't let me back in that account. Their solution? Open another hotmail account! Yes, very likely...I just hope there's no important contacts on that one who may or may not be receiving spam from 'me'
Right now, the only thing working in hotmail's favour for me is they don't have those annoying Christina perfume/speaker rollover drop down ads like yahoo.

Elsewhere, I see George Takei and Martina Navratilova are going into the jungle. Actual internationally known people!

There's a bit of a sadistic streak in me, I think, because part of the fun of these shows for me is when they get contestants who have not seen the show before and don't know what to expect/think the show isn't actually real. It makes me cringe but I can't look away. How they handle that seems to be a pretty good indicator of their 'true' nature, it seems. These celebrities rarely turn out to be as you assumed they were, which I find fascinating. Just call me a nosy chavbint, I don't care.

I think the most striking of these was Jodie Marsh in celeb Big Brother a few years back. The others were a bit mean to her, and she didn't take it well...said it was like being back at school and bullied. I could see her slipping into some sort of weird 'victim' persona which she couldn't get back out of. Poor thing just got so vulnerable. Half the time I did want to give her a shake and tell her to pull herself together (unsympathetic? me?) but the other half wanted to stick up for her. I can't believe no one in that house supported her. She was also genuinely friendly to Chantelle and gave her the benefit of the doubt and a proper chance. She surely deserves some credit for that. She's annoying me lately with the faux-or-otherwise lesbian shenanigans, but there you go.

To bring it neatly back on topic, there seem to be a couple of newspaper model types in the I'm a Celebrity line up. Should be interesting, as I know I shouldn't generalise, but they do tend to be on a continuum from complete narcissists to really quite sweet. Oh! And also there will be Robert Kilroy Silk who I hope and pray has a really hard time of it. Anyway...

I don't think many of my flist watch these kinds of shows *frowns*...maybe Strictly Come Dancing with the Stars type thing I think I remember reading about from someone last year. Either that or they're not admitting to it.

I'll fess up and say I do like Big Brother and I'm a if you didn't get that already. Throwing a bunch of strangers together to see what happens; it's an interesting thing to do, I think. Talent shows, not quite so much. Strictly Come Dancing I started watching the extras show because I like Claudia Winkleman's presenting style. I rarely watch the main show.

Now, suddenly, I feel a bit better about the hotmail fiasco - see? Escapism!

Ah, I feel like going on a friending frenzy ... it's been a while and my list seems to be getting quieter lately

ETA: I completely intended to come on here to post about Gordon Brown today. I swear, as I'm getting older my attention span gets shorter. Anything can distract me. Gordon will have to wait til tomorrow. Gotta have priorities. *wanders off to investigate a sparklyshiny thing seen through the window*
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