Actually going to go into a thought shpeal here, probably not going to be funny and really self centered.
An amusing thing I see in movies and such is how closely monitored people can be. After having one shock a couple years ago when a background check had my boss reading my LJ here, it's been a little interesting to really think up how I'm tracked.
In a naive mindset, others will know only what you have told them. On individual cases, this is probably true. My parents don't know of Twitter so I'm pretty sure they don't follow it. But, if they were to try, they could end up on one of the directory pages I've set up in various places and just follow links to both of my Twitters, my FA, my DA, the livestream (though it's been neglected lately), my Xfire, my Steam, and a few messengers I hardly log on.
Now, in most movies where they feature a person getting tracked, they aren't looking at accounts and stuff. They're looking at e-mail and security cameras. Currently in wee Papillion, Nebraska there's no cameras randomly installed to watch the constant stream of random joes. Even in Omaha, the larger portion of the city, the only portion possibly valuable enough to monitor is the Old Market which I stay the frig away from most of the time since the roads are maze-like and there's nothing I really want/need out there. (If I were to be half successful as a traditional artist and get a local studio, it would be there though.)
Ways I have been tracked are pretty obvious to me. I use a credit card connected to my parents. If I neglect calls with them and they start to worry, if I've been buying gas and food they at least know I'm alive. A quick google of my full name shows Facebook, which is largely abandoned (because I was a horrid addict to stupid facebook games); my new DA is also on the top of the list. A link to this LJ account is a little farther down. I'd rather not have my LJ found, but I'm not going to deny it. Realistically, there's a lot of random reading and very little meaty intel to find, so I doubt anyone would be bored enough to read everything I've written for a couple years now.
But, what I have to say is that I realize how much information I have out there. Privacy is something that is largely decided on our own. I sound like an insensitive person when I say that if you don't want anyone knowing about something, why would you do it in the first place? If you can justify something to yourself, why can't you justify it to someone else who finds out? It's a spin on 'would you kiss your mother with that mouth' but on a larger scale. It's not an old idea, yet 'privacy' is a new(ish) issue? As I see it it's the same, but people are getting held accountable more.
Adultery? Theft? Blackmail? Pornography? Rape? Addiction? Does it make your conscience clear if others don't know? Is that a problem of your peers knowing or something wrong with your conscience's place?
Couple years ago, I started asking myself if I had 'nothing to hide' and tried to kep that in mind with what I do. I may be ashamed/embarrassed of things I do should they come to light, but I will not try to hide them if I get asked.