more fannish stuff

Sep 14, 2023 08:21

So I wrote some more Elizabethan theater RPF (Vanity, in which Richard Burbage's idea of a suitable activity for a date is to drag a whole bunch of people off to look at paintings of skulls), and also got around to posting a bit of really old Vorkosigan saga fluff that had been sitting on my computer for ages (In-Laws, Ivan-and-By banter, post- ( Read more... )

vorkosigan fic, rpf

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Comments 2

kellychambliss September 20 2023, 01:19:16 UTC

I'm really sorry that LJ seems to have died out, because none of the other platforms have the same power or sense of community for me. I'm on Tumblr, but following it is an exercise in frustration for me. It's not really a place for conversation. I never even started with Discord (yet I think most of the fannish activity that interests me is on those platforms now, plus another couple of newish ones, the names of which I can't even remember.) I like AO3 as a repository of fic, but the fests there don't have (for me) anything like the community that was LJ. Ah, well. That's what comes of being an old-timer.


a_t_rain September 21 2023, 23:02:31 UTC

Yeah, that was kind of my impression after looking around - I'm not sure the thing I'm looking for actually exists anymore. Still trying to decide if it's worth checking out Discord or not. (Pretty sure I'm a hard NO on Tumblr.)


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