They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them. We will remember them.
1. Bruce Springsteen cannot sing. Never could, still can't. He's America's leading purveyor of sentimental, bogus we-are-the-people pseudo-working class self-dramatizing musical mush. He's Pete Seeger without the honest Stalinism, Elvis Costello without the wit and intelligence, Johnny Cash without the hard, bitter experience. He's a beer ad's idea
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I have two housemates. One (#1) is a close to a total social recluse. He's a very bright guy, fundamentally decent and responsible--more so than I am, actually. Yet he's almost pathologically shy, and has even worse fortune with women than I do (which is saying a good deal). Anyhoo, he has at last had a change in fortunes and tonight he brings a
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I'm now teaching a course in the Second World War. My first objective is to scare the hell out of the students and make them realize the whole thing wasn't a movie. Unfortunately, I'm not allowed to make them dig ditches in the rain, carry 60-pound packs up a mountain in the dark, or crap in holes. Nor can I fire a gun over their heads, or drop
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