Murdock, scared one night during a mission, knocks on the door to Face's room and asks if he can sleep in there. Awkward closeness in the bed ensues and, trying to stay on top of it all, Face realizes he really likes Murdock's breath on the back of his neck.
Interesting sexy times and/or masturbation ensues. Bonus points if Face is trying really hard to keep quiet.
Extra bonus points if Murdock is awake the entire time.)
Comments 113
Brushing Murdock's hair
Tummy rubbing/kissing, especially involving Murdock
Filled at personal LJ: Cohesion
movieverse, G, Face+Murdock, Hannibal, BA
Tags: fluff, gen, buddyfic
(Amy sees Murdock in a different way after "There's Always A Catch" - "Oh, Amy, you are going to feel so wanted").
Fill can be read in two parts directly below prompt or together at personal LJ: Feeling Wanted
TV-verse, Murdock/Amy, PG-13
Tags: het
(Murdock eating a melting ice cream, which leads to sex with Hannibal/Face/BA or all three. Whether Murdock's doing it innocently or to interest the others is up to anyone that fills this.)
Posted a few comments below prompt; also at personal LJ: Ice Cream Social
TV-verse, PG, BA/Murdock
tags: foodkink? I don't really know, this is pretty benign
(For all his loud, rambling diatribes, Murdock is surprisingly quiet in bed. Face, very displeased, puts all of his not inconsiderable sexual talent to the test to bring out the howlin' mad in Murdock.)
Filled at personal LJ: Progression
movieverse, Face/Murdock, NC-17, PWP
tags: PWP, rimming, spanking
(Face/Murdock, movie or show based, doesn't matter.
Murdock, scared one night during a mission, knocks on the door to Face's room and asks if he can sleep in there. Awkward closeness in the bed ensues and, trying to stay on top of it all, Face realizes he really likes Murdock's breath on the back of his neck.
Interesting sexy times and/or masturbation ensues. Bonus points if Face is trying really hard to keep quiet.
Extra bonus points if Murdock is awake the entire time.)
Filled at personal LJ: What To Do About Murdock. Cold Turkey is a bit of a prequel.
movieverse, Face/Murdock, NC-17, hurt/comfort
tags: hurt/comfort
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