Please, try to post these in the profile pages of your journal (mostly, the first four questions, the character, fandom, and history). It will save people from having to go look and figure out how to get a hold of you, or who your character is and where they are from. Thank you so much!
While we have decided to allow Original Characters and child characters, keep in mind that they are difficult to get given how they are often played or the Gary/Mary Stu tendancies.
When done, please post your application below!
NOTE: Applications are CLOSED until 25 MAY 09.
Player Name:
Player LJ:
Player Instant Messenger Type and Handle:
Player Email:
Player is over 16 years of age, Y/N? (You must be over sixteen for Fire due to adult themes, horror, and the like)
Personality: (Be detailed here. Anyone can provide links and all that. Explain to us what you see in the character and why they did what things. What are their quirks, modes of thinking, and reasons why they have done what they did in canon)
History (can be a link to website with a description of the history. Also, detail to use at what point of canon history you are taking them from):
A link to an image of the character (preferred, not necessary/icons are okay):
Sample log entry (250 words minimum):
Sample journal entry (Six sentence minimum):
If brought in from another RP:
Player Name:
Player LJ:
Player Instant Messenger Type and Handle:
Player Email:
Player is over 16 years of age, Y/N? (You must be over sixteen for Fire due to adult themes, horror, and the like)
Previous RP (link):
Canon Personality:(Be detailed here. Anyone can provide links and all that. Explain to us what you see in the character and why they did what things. What are their quirks, modes of thinking, and reasons why they have done what they did in canon)
Canon History (can be a link to website with a description of the history):
RP History (Detailed description of significant events/altercations that happened in previous RP, and this includes friends/close companions/enemies made and alterations to their personalities from growth and experiences):
A link to a canon image of the character (preferred, not necessary/icons are okay):
Any physical changes that occured in the previous RP (scars, hairstyles, ect):
Sample log entry from previous RP (250 words minimum or link to log):
Sample journal entry from previous RP(Six sentence minimum or link to entry):
Original Characters
Player Name:
Player LJ:
Player Instant Messenger Type and Handle:
Player Email:
Player is over 16 years of age, Y/N? (You must be over sixteen for Fire due to adult themes, horror, and the like)
Fandom (if any):
Personality:(Be detailed here. Anyone can provide links and all that. Explain to us what you see in the character and why they did what things. What are their quirks, modes of thinking, and reasons why they have done what they did or feel as they do about events.)
History: (Because this is an original character, we will need a detailed history here. No cousins of Sephiroth, brothers of Naruto, or relations to any other canon characters, please.)
Sample log entry (250 words minimum):
Sample journal entry (Six sentence minimum):