Please make sure you have read all of the OOC info before applying. Always check the reserved list and the wanted list - if the character is already reserved, you must wait until the reserve posts their application and it is accepted or rejected, or alternatively until their reserve expires. If you have reserved, let us know. Please bear in mind that we may ask for elaboration if we feel some points are not quite enough. Also, applications may not be processed in order of posting, though we will try to keep to this - both mods have to check it, and if it’s a fandom neither know they will refer it to someone who does. If you have not received word back after five days, please contact one of us.
If you are accepted, please follow the instructions in the ‘Accepted’ comment.
If you are rejected, you may reapply anytime, but don’t just give us the same app. We will try to let you know what was wrong with it.
Also, if you have any questions or concerns before applying, let us know!
Canon Character Application
Player Name: (Self-explanatory, right?)
Player LJ: (Your personal LJ.)
Player Instant Messenger Type and Handle: (AIM, Gtalk, Yahoo, etc, and your preferred name.)
Player Email: (Your preferred email.)
Player is over 16 years of age, Y/N?: (You must be over sixteen for Fire due to adult themes, horror, and the like)
Character: (Their name. Include any aliases.)
Fandom: (The fandom they come from.)
Survival Horror Test: (Why do you think your character would fit well in this game? What sort of things can they contribute to or offer to what's already here?)
Personality: (Be detailed here. Anyone can provide links and all that. Explain to us what you see in the character and why they did what things. What are their quirks, modes of thinking, and reasons why they have done what they did in canon? What are their strengths and weaknesses? What are their hopes or aspirations?)
Timeline: (What point in your canon is your character being drawn from?)
Powers/Abilities: (What all can they do? All powers are kept in World's End, but no character will ever be more powerful than the Gods of the city.)
History: (We do allow links for this, especially for convoluted histories. However, try to include at least a small paragraph of your own words. Also, please be sure to tell us which point you are taking them from.)
Appearance: (Links to images, or even icons, are allowed, but if there’s anything in particular please let us know.)
Sample log entry: (250 words minimum.)
Sample journal entry: (6 sentences, please.)
Canon Character ApplicationPlayer Name: Player LJ:Player Instant Messenger Type and Handle:Player Email:Player is over 16 years of age, Y/N?: Character:Fandom:Survival Horror Test:Personality:Timeline:Powers/Abilities:History: Appearance:Sample log entry:Sample journal entry: Previous RP Character
Player Name: (Self-explanatory, right?)
Player LJ: (Your personal LJ.)
Player Instant Messenger Type and Handle: (AIM, Gtalk, Yahoo, etc, and your preferred name.)
Player Email: (Your preferred email.)
Player is over 16 years of age, Y/N?: (You must be over sixteen for Fire due to adult themes, horror, and the like)
Character: (Their name. Include any aliases.)
Fandom: (The fandom they come from.)
Previous RP: (Give us a link.)
Survival Horror Test: (Why do you think your character would fit well in this game? What sort of things can they contribute to or offer to what's already here?)
Canon Personality: (Be detailed here. Anyone can provide links and all that. Explain to us what you see in the character and why they did what things. What are their quirks, modes of thinking, and reasons why they have done what they did in canon? What are their strengths and weaknesses? What are their hopes or aspirations?)
Timeline: (What point in your canon is your character being drawn from before you put them in their previous game?)
Powers/Abilities: (What all can they do? All powers are kept in World's End, but no character will ever be more powerful than the Gods of the city.)
Canon History: (We do allow links for this, especially for convoluted histories. However, try to include at least a small paragraph of your own words. Also, please be sure to tell us which point they were originally taken from.)
RP History: (Detailed description of significant events/altercations that happened in previous RP, and this includes friends/close companions/enemies made and alterations to their personalities from growth and experiences.)
Appearance: (Links to images, or even icons, are allowed, but if there’s anything in particular please let us know, particularly if anything changed in the previous rp - build, scars, hairstyles, etc.)
Sample log entry from previous RP: (250 words minimum or link to log)
Sample journal entry from previous RP: (Six sentence minimum or link to entry)
Previous RP CharacterPlayer Name:Player LJ:Player Instant Messenger Type and Handle:Player Email:Player is over 16 years of age, Y/N?: Character:Fandom:Previous RP: Survival Horror Test:Timeline:Canon Personality: Canon History: RP History: Appearance: Sample log entry from previous RP: Sample journal entry from previous RP: Original Characters
Player Name: (Self-explanatory, right?)
Player LJ: (Your personal LJ.)
Player Instant Messenger Type and Handle: (AIM, Gtalk, Yahoo, etc, and your preferred name.)
Player Email: (Your preferred email.)
Player is over 16 years of age, Y/N?: (You must be over sixteen for Fire due to adult themes, horror, and the like)
Character: (Their name. Include any aliases.)
Fandom: (The fandom they come from, if any.)
Survival Horror Test: (Why do you think your character would fit well in this game? What sort of things can they contribute to or offer to what's already here?)
Personality: (Be detailed here. Anyone can provide links and all that. Explain to us what you see in the character and why they did what things. What are their quirks, modes of thinking, and reasons why they have done what they did in canon? What are their strengths and weaknesses? What are their hopes or aspirations?)
History: (Please give us a detailed history, and remember, no relations to canon characters.)
Appearance: (Give us a short description, here. If you have an image, you can link that too)
Abilities: (If your character has any special weapons or powers, let us know.)
Sample log entry: (250 words minimum.)
Sample journal entry: (6 sentences, please.)
Original CharacterPlayer Name:Player LJ:Player Instant Messenger Type and Handle:Player Email:Player is over 16 years of age, Y/N?: Character: Fandom: Survival Horror Test: Personality: History: Appearance: Abilities: Sample log entry: Sample journal entry: After being accepted, please post these somewhere in your journal or profile, or provide a link. Nobody likes scouring for information!