Mmm, haven't done this in awhile, and it's good to look over how I feel with my characters.
In order of most likely to drop, to least likely to drop: Firo > Ken ≥ JJ > Rose
JJ - I'm comfortable with JJ, as ever. His voice comes easily to me, and he's got a lot of relationships that I really enjoy playing out. I feel like I've gotten a little stagnant with playing him, but he's certainly in no danger of being dropped anytime soon. Some more appearances in newcanon would be nice to perk me back up with playing him. I think I might reread all of canon soon, so I should be motivated to get him out more, and that should help my only sortof!issues with playing him. AND CANONMATES ARE FINE TOO. ...Just sayin' :D sob someone app drake seriously guys i will be your housewife forever.
Firo - ...fasnfjsdf I still have trouble with Firo. I am so head over heels in love with the canon, but I often feel like I'm out of my depth. I need to play up his badassery more often, because I feel like I don't do justice to that part of his character. If I had to drop someone tomorrow, I think it would probably be Firo. I would cry over it forever, because he's dkjfnakfnsd MINE!!!1, but he's always been my problem child. He definitely needs more relationships in camp, both positive and negative. :\ Some times I think the only reason I HAVEN'T dropped him yet (other than the aforementioned "MINE!!!1" and love affair with the canon) is because I know people have expressed interest in apping canonmates that are important to him. BUT WITH MORE AND MORE NOVELS BEING TRANSLATED, MY MOTIVATION FOR PLAYING HIM GOES UP, so. |D lol
I think if I did ever drop him, I would probably have to app another Baccano character immediately after, even though the canon makes my head spin sometimes, because I'm just so in love with every bit of the every story.
Rose - Rose has nearly taken over JJ's spot of "I will drop her if you can pry her from my cold dead fingers". She's definitely become my primary, and short of dropping out of the game completly, the only thing that could get me to drop her would be the Doctor leaving camp. And even then, I probably COULD hang onto her, I just...
I'm a dork and would want to give her and the Doctor the chance to leave camp together so that she neccessarily doesn't go home to the events of Army of Ghosts/Doomsday. UNLESS I CANON UPDATE HER, WHICH I MIGHT HAVE TO PENDING THE END OF SERIES 4. I am still undecided on that. BUT ANYWAY her voice comes so incredibly easy to me (though I do occasionally have moments of "...LOL I AM AMERICAN. SOMEONE TELL ME I AM DOING THIS RIGHT."), and she's so easy to throw into so many different types of situations. I think she's probably got more people she considers good friends here already than JJ, who's been here nearly a year. yes loev Rose and if I had to drop all of my characters except one, I would keep her.
Ken - SO. HILARIOUS STORY. When I apped Ken, I wasn't sure I'd actually settle into his voice. BUT I really liked the character, and wanted to give him a try because I NEED TO PUSH MY OWN BOUNDARIES ...a-and okay, I admit: I'm completely topped .__. Anyway, I'm not usually one for antagonistic types, but I have so much fun playing Ken that I've surprised myself into adoring his retarded ass. He's harder to get out than some of my others, particularly since I tend compare him to Rose as they're my two newest, but I adore his threads and the beginnings of relationships he's got (the one that comes to mind primarily is with Devit. I love those two).
I DO STILL HAVE A LOT OF WORRIES ABOUT HIM. The biggest being that because what with being a side character and all, I'm not ENTIRELY sure about interactions with castmates. Also I'm never sure if I'm playing up certain parts of him too much (the "will eat anything" and "likes to pick fights" bits, in particular). And interacting with "normal"-ish characters makes me go "..." sometimes. FOR EXAMPLE, his threads in his actual intropost with deaged!Robin (...though that mostly just made me LOL) and Yoshino... He didn't really have much to say to them because he's not used to people Not Mukuro being NICE, really, and... Mukuro's definition of "nice" is using him. So. LOL Ken has a slightly warped view of relationships. BUT I feel like I'm settling into him well enough, and he's in no real danger of getting dropped.
OVERALL I need to post more often with people not Rose XD She's the easiest to post with, but she's also the easiest to jump with (WHAT'S THIS? I'M ACTUALLY CONFIDENT WITH JUMPING/POKING PEOPLE TO JUMP ME? SHOCK AND AWE!). I know a lot of people don't need to post often, but I find it's the easiest way to get my characters out, particularly the more difficult ones. THEY ALL NEED TO GET OUT MORE AND MAKE MORE FRIENDS dsnjkaf especially Firo. Firo's been here half a year and has almost no really strong relationships outside of IDKMYBFF!Luck, The Doctor, and antagonising Mukuro and being antagonised by Joshua.
'KAY I AM DONE RAMBLING NOW. If anyone actually read this all... thoughts, comments?